Sept 3




I'll soon be going off sick leave and returning to work (I've worked for St Mikes for 15 years), my office is located right next to the pit on the ground floor. My coworkers tell me it's like working in a war zone, this should be fun, but it's going to look awesome once it's done! Reminds me of when they added the top 7 floor to the Cardinal Carter wing in the mid 90's. All the entire hospital heard all day, was the concrete being pumped up, and it resonated throughout every floor, hope it's not as bad this time (fingers crossed).
St. Michael’s Hospital fires senior executive who was implicated in York University fraud

"St. Michael’s Hospital has fired the senior executive overseeing its ambitious redevelopment after a Globe and Mail investigation found that he had previously been implicated in a fraud at a Toronto university and had ties to the president of the construction firm awarded the $300-million contract for the facility.

The 123-year-old hospital, which is in the early stages of having a 17-storey patient-care tower built, announced on Thursday it has terminated the employment of Vas Georgiou, the hospital’s chief administrative officer, as part of an ongoing review by a team of lawyers and forensic auditors."

"Several months into the request-for-proposals phase of the project, St. Michael’s announced to bidders that it was capping the budget at $301-million, a price many considered difficult to meet given the complexities of the job: construction of the tower and extensive renovations to the existing site – all of which are to be done without disrupting patients.

Bondfield’s larger rivals, PCL and EllisDon, said it was not possible to perform the work for this price, and submitted bids at least $100-million more than the cap, according to numerous sources. Bondfield’s bid was slightly less than $300-million, The Globe has learned."
I noticed they were working at this location this past Sunday. Was surprised to see the crane moving around.
