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Sep 3, 2011
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Thread for real estate discussions about Grid's Sunday School Lofts
Preview invitation arrived for Saturday, 17th September. 32 suites from the $500s was the teaser.

Is it being held at the church? If so, I'd love to see some pictures of the interior as it stands. I grew up around the corner and regretfully never looked inside.
Is it being held at the church? If so, I'd love to see some pictures of the interior as it stands. I grew up around the corner and regretfully never looked inside.

It is. I'll try to remember to take a camera. From what I understand, they have cleaned out the junk and built a show suite, but done little else to this point, so we might get lucky and it'll still have a church's soaring interior at this point.
Sorry, MJL, but I went to the open house w/o camera. Rainy day and grabbed umbrellas and forgot camera. Wouldn't have made much of a difference, as the showroom/faux apartment and the huge crowd would have made it impossible to take any shots.

A bit of a feeding frenzy, and if their floor plans' dots were even close to truthful, they'll be sold out except for the half-dozen that were held back. Curiously, only the units with the most heritage glass were not spoken for, probably because they had no balconies.

In order to shoehorn in a fourth floor, they have 8 suites in the basement with walkouts to below grade patios, and one of the units will have a porch/patio made from the original front door/stairwell (on the right of the drawing). Not really too conducive to private relaxation, but OTOH if you're a stoop-sitter who likes to watch the passers-by, BIGGEST STOOP EVER!

The penthouses have a single room (w/wet bar) and terrasse on the roof. Quite lovely, with three of the units tipping well over $1M. Lots of others with good size, too (only 1 or 2 one bdrm) but many of the units' 2nd or 3rd bedroom are really den/TV rooms as they have sliding glass doors off of the kitchen.

I expect they sold out all the units they had on offer yesterday, and will have a long waiting list. Good for them -- this'll be a nice addition to the 'nabe.
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Checked in on the weekend, and due to the frenzy they've had a couple returned during the 10-day cool-off, but the saleswomen said that they've been working down the waiting list and have most/all re-sold.

In one instance, a couple was doing paperwork for one unit when the depositor on another came in with their cancellation. The couple signing papers changed their deposit to the newly available unit -- a zero second re-sell!
