My guess is smaller units. Filing drawers in the sky is typical for the area. Anyways, no one needs a real kitchen when they have the local Hooters right at the corner.
Last I heard, the Alice Fazooli's is to close sometime in June. One can guess that demolition will follow - sometime in the summer.

It is already closed...the place already looks gutted, so it has to have happened sometime during January/early Feb.
The most recent ad for The Bond in the Condo Guide - Luxury edition says that construction is now underway. Has anyone been by the site recently?

walked by this past weekend it is NOT underconstruction. Just your typical BS from developer I presume.
Yeah I just walked by this morning. The sales center is closed, but no equipment or anything on site.
They're tearing down the building from the back. I'd say they are about a third done tearing it down. Pretty sad to see it go. Was a great little space.
Pic taken Sept 28, 2012

Pics taken Oct 8, 2012


Pic taken Oct 16, 2012

Pic taken Oct 24, 2012

