Glad to see this bad boy going up so well. On to the taller tower soon, with similar quality!!! NCC has been doing a great job lately, just hope we don't get more lowrise nonsense like the last phase revealed in the rest of Lebreton.
Unfortunately the shorter twin (25fl I think) next door will most likely be the next one to go up. Really hoping to see a high quality, unique tower after that, like the 45fl one on an angle on Booth St in the plans/renders.

I love this development. Now bring us that 45 floor (or you know, bring it up to 55, come on Claridge, do it..) with the same quality and I'll be extra happy.
This is a solid, top end of mid-grade.

If this is the quality Claridge continues to build they will keep that market segment on lock. Question will be how the manage on the upcoming Sens builds which I assume will lean more high end.
It's simple, modern, understated, CharcWhites were when they were first emerging 20 years ago. I hope this is the next evolution of non-signature building style in this city...but I wouldn't want to see it pass it's best before date like the CharcWhites.

This one is by far the best Claridge Tower. Should we spam them with emails praising this design? Get it in their head that we want more of this and never again anything like their Rideau projects (400 Sussex notwithstanding)?
I mean, I'm reserving my judgement until completion... It's has A redeeming quality (which is that glass corner) but the rest IMO is the standard old boring grey-brick tower. Better than some other wacky designs we've seen but not necessarily a star design either. Star designs IMO include Releve, The Met, Parkdale Collective, Soho Italia.
This should be the standard for basic towers. Don't over complicated with a whole bunch of materials and colours put together in incoherent patterns.

I don't think any of us think it's a landmark, but a very competent filler tower. Dream LeBreton will be the star of the show.

Side bar, I'm not so sure about the podium. Looks like an after thought.
