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Jul 31, 2008
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The F**k Canada Day Incident

It's unfortunate that this individual doesn't love Canada enough to work towards solving aboriginal issues....instead he uses them as a prop for advancing Palestinian issues.

Although, in poor taste, sadly I do support his right to free speech...just wished he'd used it for the betterment of Canadians.
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As for the thoughts of Mr. Shaban: opinions are like assholes, everybody has one.
^ True enough. While I believe he deserves the public flogging he's reaping, it's unfortunate that it's the National post leading the charge.
lol, the National Post will find any excuse to write a negative story about Muslims in Canada. Clearly a biased source!

re: F Canada Day, eh? Ever lived in Quebec?

And btw, I call it Dominion Day.
lol, the National Post will find any excuse to write a negative story about Muslims in Canada. Clearly a biased source!

re: F Canada Day, eh? Ever lived in Quebec?

Moving Day, you mean. Which is the stupidest thing ever. But that's just typical Quebec.
Given that's its a holiday celebrated by many, even by non-nationalistic multu-cultural standards its still offensive. What if somebody had said "F**k Eid"? Would that be okay?
for those who don't have a specific day bias:

f**k everyday!

It's unfortunate that this individual doesn't love Canada enough to work towards solving aboriginal issues....instead he uses them as a prop for advancing Palestinian issues.

Although, in poor taste, sadly I do support his right to free speech...just wished he'd used it for the betterment of Canadians.
Funny how you call out a Muslim for insulting Canada but when urban dreamer does it it's a-okay...
Funny how you call out a Muslim for insulting Canada but when urban dreamer does it it's a-okay...

1) Didn't see that. I am not running a 24 hr watch on this thread.

2). My argument was not about what his insult to Canada day per se. I have a problem with him linking aboriginal issues to the palestinian cause to then argue that as a country we are backwards and have nothing to be proud of.
And btw, I call it Dominion Day.

I dunno about Dominion Day but I do wish we actually called the federal government the Domninion government like in the past. I don't like our history getting dumbed down over time like that.
Funny how you call out a Muslim for insulting Canada but when urban dreamer does it it's a-okay...

As far as I can tell, UD didn't say fuck canada, just that he doesn't care and that he knows wasps who have said the same thing. There is a difference between expressing apathy towards an issue and an organization that claims to represent Arab Canadians's VP going on at length about how he hates Canada. The notion that by bringing attention to this keithz is actually a hidden racist is lazy and too PC for a Quaker.

I'm not a very nationalistic person. It is annoying though to have people like Omar Shabban (i.e. stupid, insecure cultural hacks) come back here for whatever reasons and just spend all their time gripping about how everything in Canada is racist and such. Nobody makes anybody live in Canada, if the guy wants to live in such hotbeds of tolerance and equality like Lebanon or Saudi Arabia, why doesn't he just move? I'm sure the CAF's whisper campaign against Bob Rae's jewish wife would go down great. Everybody has their right to free speech and all, but if you truly don't like a country why don't you just move somewhere else?

I get disappointed with coverage of Muslim Canadians. The CAF is such a pool of idiots and bigots that any media group that ever wanted to could post an article a day about it. Instead, hardly anybody ever bothers because the group has 'arab' in the name and nobody wants to be accused of racism (see above). So we get crackpots passing themselves off as the representatives of more than 3/4 of a million Canadian Muslims who likely have no affinity for the constant harangues on, well, everything that persistently defines the CAF.
