Should the Queens Park view corridor be preserved?

  • Yes

    Votes: 168 43.3%
  • No

    Votes: 145 37.4%
  • Don't Know

    Votes: 15 3.9%
  • Don't Care

    Votes: 60 15.5%

  • Total voters
Generally no one "wins" polls, but rolling in the people who were undecided or indifferent into the opponents of preservation category doesn't make sense.
So you're saying that the group with the most decided voters is the winner and you can't add up votes by 'everyone else' and claim they opposed?

One of the tallest towers ever imploded if I recall correctly?


Who needs building implosion when you have building disintegration
I think don't care means they are uninterested in the state topic, meaning they voted on it for no reason, just to vote, and yes they don't care about the historic preservation of the vista, but they also don't care if the tower gets built at all. So no, you can't just say they were for building the old proposal. I think its a giant waste of perfectly good building to destroy the four seasons. All it needs is a little tremclad.

I think ppl on a skyscrpaerpage are mostly interested in buildings.. I think dont care means that they dont care either way but the view wouldnt be what stopped them...ANyways its a major intersection in a major city that has two subway lines underneith it.. This is prime area to be developed and it should be. This is after all a CITY...
So you're saying that the group with the most decided voters is the winner and you can't add up votes by 'everyone else' and claim they opposed?

The undecided is a neutral category of people who might go either way (yet it's not large enough to change the results), while the "don't cares" would not necessarily be against terminating vista preservation. This category isn't useful in that it doesn't stand for anything but "let someone else take a position".

sixrings said:
ANyways its a major intersection in a major city that has two subway lines underneith it.. This is prime area to be developed and it should be. This is after all a CITY...

Where else but in a major city would vista preservation be a concern? The area was already developed and already has large density. Adding density can be achieved while respecting the vista. The greatest and densest cities in the world have preserved many vistas, and Toronto may be the best city in Canada for architectural vistas, if not in North America thanks to our urban planners, architects, and less consistent grid. This sort of sophisticated planning is expected in major cities.
"From the magical mid-$300's"
I am assuming that would be for their hotel room-sized studio (complete with mini-bar fridge).
It will be interesting to see how the soon to be ex-Four Seasons will be refurbished.

As for the possibility of a second phase tower to the south, it would be a very tight squeeze and will compromise light, views and privacy for both towers. The only views would be to the east and west. Only if it is taller than the neighboring Rennaissance Plaza condos than the upper floors would have commanding views south (and north), but there's the Queen's Park corridor issue to deal with. I personally don't like to see a condo tower peering above the Queens Park building and it will set a bad precident.
"From the magical mid-$300's"
I am assuming that would be for their hotel room-sized studio (complete with mini-bar fridge).
It will be interesting to see how the soon to be ex-Four Seasons will be refurbished.

As for the possibility of a second phase tower to the south, it would be a very tight squeeze and will compromise light, views and privacy for both towers. The only views would be to the east and west. Only if it is taller than the neighboring Rennaissance Plaza condos than the upper floors would have commanding views south (and north), but there's the Queen's Park corridor issue to deal with. I personally don't like to see a condo tower peering above the Queens Park building and it will set a bad precident.

They could get a 35 or 40 storey tower in there, there's a view corridor study somewhere here and a maximum height was determined that wouldn't affect the Queen's Park views. As for buildings being too close together, I agree however see Uptown & Blu. Blu has no north views and Uptown only has south views from the top 8 or 10 floors.
JUst a IDEA.... or a WISH this coulda happened. I wish the intercontinental hotel on bloor would have bought this site and used it as a hotel. Then they could have ripped down their current site and put up a 30-35 floor condo. They could still try to squeeze that extra tower at the current site. Its not about 50 floor towers, its about density. Although I do love 50+ floor towers.
I think the queens park vista should be saved..... I'm all right with tall developments behind and around the city halls because the CBD is right there ..... I mean this is a city.... Let it grow...... But maybe in the future the vista will "have" to go... For now I say it should be saved
JUst a IDEA.... or a WISH this coulda happened. I wish the intercontinental hotel on bloor would have bought this site and used it as a hotel. Then they could have ripped down their current site and put up a 30-35 floor condo. They could still try to squeeze that extra tower at the current site. Its not about 50 floor towers, its about density. Although I do love 50+ floor towers.

The Intercontinental is a solid, blandly handsome building less than 20 years old. Are we really at the point we need to be ripping down buildings that don't even need a renovation yet to squeeze a few more dollars out of the land? No, we're not, and I hope we don't get there soon.
Looks like the base will be remodelled, and glass will be replaced.
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frown ^^^^ green glass.....

And what's up with "Canada's most celebrated address?".... since when? :p

Oh my god that is horrible! They should just leave it alone.

I must beg to differ.

While I certainly can't say the amended design is a work of art, even particularly appealing, it really is an improvement, however modest, on the current ediface, which is both brutal and brutally ugly.

This would appear to 'humanize' and open up the building to its surroundings more. However, imperfectly, that is nicer than the complete indifference the current building shows to passersby at street level.
Doesn't look too different from the way it stands right now. Anyways, I'll looking forward to what they're going to do with the podium.
frown ^^^^ green glass.....

And what's up with "Canada's most celebrated address?".... since when? :p

Since Real Estate Agents think they can make S*%T up, ie: neighbourhood names (such as Beaches to 'The Beach' *shudders*).
I really wish they'd stop doing such things. What's Next; No-Yo & So-Yo (North-Yorkville and South-Yorkville)?? LMAO
