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I know, not exactly urban pics, but heck, the party has a decent urban agenda so here goes...

simply Dan and myself attended the combined NDP party for the riding associations of Beaches-East York, Toronto-Centre, Toronto-Danforth and Trinity-Spadina at the The Guvernment/Kool-Haus complex last night. There was lots of free food, ginormous TVs to watch the returns on and plenty of good times (and good news to celebrate if you are of orange stripes).

Anyway, we'll start with the worst and then it'll get better...

In other words, Marilyn Churley's concession speech after losing Beaches-East York to Liberal incubant Maria Minna. It was close for a while, but she ended up losing by 2 732. For the record, the Green's leader -- Jim Harris -- only got 6% of the total vote.

Third time's a charm for Olivia Chow. Chow giving the thumbs-up after finally unseating incumbant Liberal Tony Ianno.

Olivia took the riding by 3 667 votes. Not quite as close as some had expected, but still a nail-biter.

These things truly are media circusses.

Watching Paul Martin concede on four different networks at once! (CTV, Radio-Canada, Global and CBC!)

Master of Ceremonies Steven Paige -- from the Barenaked Ladies -- introuducing Jack Layton who took to the stage to the music of Big Country's "In A Big Country."

Jack Layton having a dance with his son. Honest.

Jack surrounded by daughter and wife.

Jack giving a fairly decent (albeit typical) speech and Olivia doing...actually, I'm not sure what she's doing!

Layton took Toronto-Danforth by a fairly comfortable 7 240 votes.

Layton and family.

Jack thanking his supporters, etc.

Jack saying "good night" and "bonne nuit."

And that's that. Overall a fairly good night for the NDP and a fairly good time to boot!
WOW - that's his daughter? LOL. I guess it makes sense. Last time I saw her was back in 1991 at U of T, when Jack was debating June Rowlands during the mayor elections. She must have been like 4 or 5 ayears old and was selling buttons. I of course bought one for a friend who despised Layton more than even me - "Feminists for Jack" read the button. Wish the result last night would had been the same as 1991. Oh well.
Working Families First
Whether one's family income is $40,000 or $240,000, both families are working just as hard to earn a living! Personally I like the NDP's social values, but I prefer the Liberals' social spending. Which is why there's an Ianno sign in front my house.

Liberal majority with NDP opposition in 2010!
Tough race but the NDP did pretty well considering. Would rather seem them as the opposition, but I only got one wish last night.

Btw, has Layton ever worn an orange suit? People would probably lose respect for him but it would attract members from the Marijuana Party, though they'd probably forget to vote. :hat
This country needs a good, solid progressive left of centre party. Hopefully the NDP can go far in maintaining that type of political culture.
I was hoping there would be some ultra cool view of the city from the NDP convention. LOL

Nice hooker boots Olivia.
Thanks for the pics.

"This country needs a good, solid progressive left of centre party."

I posted the following earlier in another thread, and thought I'd bark it out again here as well, as I'd really like to hear what all you lefties have to say...


I think it's time for the NDP to fold, and for a new centre-left party to be created to replace it. It is clear to me that the NDP will never form a government in this country, mainly because of an apparently unshakeable perception problem rather than an inherently unpopular platform. Imo, Canada is essentially centre-left in nature, yet there is no national party at the moment that truly reflects these values. Reform/Conservative and the Bloc have proven that new parties are currently entirely viable, and in short order. I'm confident that a new federalist centre-left party, unbeholden to unions and untarnished by the past like the NDP, presenting a more 'pro-regulation' than 'anti-business' stance, and sporting a young, charismatic, preferably Quebecois leader, could form a government within two or three election cycles of inception. I don't think it's any secret at this point that Canadians all over the country are wishing for alternatives to the current crop of parties, and there seems to me to be a yawning vacuum in the federal political landscape that, strangely, mirrors what I believe are the core values of the nation. Fill that vacuum with new blood and a blank slate, and I think you could clean up from coast to coast.


This isn't a new question, but it still stands: do lefties want to 'represent' and feel good leaving it at that, or do they want to win, and really change things? To be clear: this is not an 'attack' on the NDP. For the record, I just voted for Chow, am relatively happy with the NDP's election results, and my personal politics are pretty strongly left/libertarian (-6.63/-6.26,

What say you lot? (Non-lefties' opinions more than welcome, too, of course!)
NDP should merge with the Liberals since their Platforms are the same. Why split the vote.;)

Plus Jack talks like that Oliver Jeweller Pawn shop guy:

"Give us a try, Give me a chance, Your vote for my Services."

And his wife is annoying. She was saying:

" I will serve the interest of the chinese community...."

Trinity-Spadina is so diverse, there must be atleast 50 different ethnic minorities living in this area.
Makes me wonder whose interest will she really serve.:rolleyes
did olivia actually say "i will represent the chinese community," full stop? i don't think so.

i voted for the NDP and i'm happy with their record in the last parliament. paul martin is not progressive; he never has been. just look at the 2005 budget before the NDP pressured the liberals to rewrite it.

my hope is that the liberal leadership convention will result in a liberal party with a strong leader and a more focused centre-left agenda.
Thanks for the pics DStar. We were considering going down as well. Looks like a good time.

Im not sure how Chow came accross when she fell just short of hysterical about child poverty and chinese retribution.
I saw the NDP celebrations on Global. There was alot of energy. I did not like the way they "boo-d" the conservatives after layton congratulated them, especially seeing how they claped for block Quebecois right before.
