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Admiral Beez

Member Bio
Apr 29, 2007
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Not just pedestrians. I frequently see drivers doing this to each other....somebody having trouble making a left turn, opposing driver in center lane stops short (perhaps realising traffic is stopped ahead, so the aren’t in a hurry anyways), but curb lane is clear and drivers aren’t yielding.

- Paul
Its not just driver to pedestrian, but also driver to driver. The old saying I like is "There is no room for courtesy on the road".
I enjoyed this....

I used to live in Fredericton, NB and this would drive me mad. I'd be waiting to cross and some driver instead of driving on would stop and wave me across, putting me at risk of the car beside or even behind coming around him to run me down.
I rarely see this, and when I do it annoys me just as shown in the video. I, as a pedestrian, is crossing illegally and am willing to wait for an opening and prefer everyone to be predictable. The only time I wave a pedestrian is in stop-and-go traffic, and when I can see the adjacent driver and they know the I am waving the pedestrian. Of course this can only be done with 2 lanes in each direction, and a raised median for pedestrian refuge. If I wave, I have the responsibility of making sure the pedestrian can safety make the median. making it to the other side is still the pedestrians responsibility.
Not just pedestrians. I frequently see drivers doing this to each other....somebody having trouble making a left turn, opposing driver in center lane stops short (perhaps realising traffic is stopped ahead, so the aren’t in a hurry anyways), but curb lane is clear and drivers aren’t yielding.

- Paul
Drivers who surrender their ROW drive me crazy! Don’t stop the flow of traffic to let someone turn in, they’re waiting for you to clear off.
