If Freed hopes to get $700 as a starting price he better have sales up and running by May at the latest. If he waits any longer than that I think he'll have a very very very hard time selling it at that price and will have to drop it closer to $550.

VIPs are getting it in February.
I personally love the freed projects and thinks they offer great value with high-design and great workmanship. Freed lives in one of his own buildings and most of his employees also live in a freed project.

nonetheless there will always be someone on this forum who anonymously will find something negative to say... i lost my trust in this forum.
I personally love the freed projects and thinks they offer great value with high-design and great workmanship. Freed lives in one of his own buildings and most of his employees also live in a freed project.

I'd add that Freed does not take a "cookie-cutter" approach to his buildings. Unlike some of the larger projects near by, Freed's buildings are more boutique in style, and each building usually has a wide variety of floor plans.

The price of land has gone way up in the area, and Freed is not immune from the economic realities, so I'm not surprised at the price per square foot that is rumoured at 621 King.
I know a couple of people who live in homes developed by their employer. It seems to be pretty common. Employee make the best customers, I guess.
I know a couple of people who live in homes developed by their employer. It seems to be pretty common. Employee make the best customers, I guess.

In Freed's instance, maybe not. One of his realtors allegedly had a physical fight with him last year, and left the organization. :eek: You may know him as face is plastered on TTC shelters along King West. Nuff said.
nonetheless there will always be someone on this forum who anonymously will find something negative to say... i lost my trust in this forum.

considering a good number of UT members are practicing professionals actively engaged in the development industry (lawyers, engineers, planners, architects, construction crew) with well-grounded comments ... I'm suprised you would make such a general statement about Urban Toronto :mad:
nonetheless there will always be someone on this forum who anonymously will find something negative to say... i lost my trust in this forum.
Yossi, I like your posts, but your complaints about anonymous comments being posted on a public message board and the cowardice thereof are pretty ridiculous.

Honestly, this isn't 1992.
In Freed's instance, maybe not. One of his realtors allegedly had a physical fight with him last year, and left the organization. :eek: You may know him as face is plastered on TTC shelters along King West. Nuff said.

Wow. I am 100% sure that I know who you mean.

I'd love to have been a fly on the wall to hear how that all transpired (allegedly).
Can anyone speak to the quality and craftsmanship of Freed's previous projects.

I am moved in to 550 Wellington and I regret my purchase.

I personally love the freed projects and thinks they offer great value with high-design and great workmanship. Freed lives in one of his own buildings and most of his employees also live in a freed project.

nonetheless there will always be someone on this forum who anonymously will find something negative to say... i lost my trust in this forum.

what does that fact that he lives in the penthouse of one of his buildings have to do with anything? that speaks nothing of the units that are constructed for his customers.

If you think his condos exhibit "great workmanship", I invite you to come check out my unit at 550 wellington.
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I am moved in to 550 Wellington and I regret my purchase.

that's unfortunate ... could you share some photos of the interior (+ problems) ??
Freed Unit


Very sorry to hear you are not happy with your unit. May I ask what the problem(s) are? I haven't purchased anything with Freed personally but know several people who have, and for the most part - have been extremely happy with their units (and ROI!). I wouldn't mind hearing what some of your issues are if you don't mind sharing. I do think they are relevant on this post as it is the same developer...

