Will PATH end at ICE or will it continue to Infinity? Would be nice to see it keep going West, connecting to the convention centre's parking garage, the Roundhouse and possibly further West later on to the building that will be built over the ramp that leads under the Rogers Centre. Its too bad Concord didn't build its own PATH system, as one day PATH will eventually reach CityPlace.
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As far as I know, PATH will run through the new phases at Infinity.
From Union or 18 York you enter the ACC at grade, but from the ACC you go up a set of stairs to access the ACC's expansion and connection to MLS. From there you'd have to take two escalators down to get into the basement, from which point there will be a tunnel under York St.

To be honest, the connections are so screwy that I can't see them getting much use as a network. I'm sure lots of Ice residents will like being able to get to an LCBO and Longo's without going outside tho.
^^Why would we care about people with disabilities? They don't pay taxes - or share in our common goals - Jesus! One need look no further than 90% of our sidewalk curbs.

I say, uni-ability, in other words able bodied rules- that's how we go about things here. You happen to be in a wheelchair, or have any physical or visual impairment, well FU, you don't deserve any better.

I say, uni-ability, in other words able bodied rules- that's how we go about things here. You happen to be in a wheelchair, or have any physical or visual impairment, well FU, you don't deserve any better.

Are you actually saying that disabled people don't deserve to be part of society? Wow, that is a horrible thing to say. I would never wish this on anyone, but if you ever end up with some disease or injury that lands you (even temporarily) I hope you think back to this comment and realize how wrong you are. I will have no sympathy for you. A disability does not in any way reflect on the character of a person. Rather, it's people like you who make people with disabilities outcast from society in the first place.

Accessibility is a major issue in Toronto. And now that wheel-Trans has had their budgets cut, our city is even less accessible.

This city is known for it's inclusiveness. That doesn't stop at race or ethnicity. Everyone is a part of society, and just because you don't feel as though they contribute indicates how ignorant and shallow your thoughts are.

Unless you were being sarcastic, in which case I apologize, but if there is any truth to what you said here, then you really need to re-think your outlook.
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Learn how to indicate sarcasm. Text does not convey discourse in any proper sense, so there is an added task of writing to intention.

And go back to Youtube if you're going to throw around insults like that.
Learn how to indicate sarcasm. Text does not convey discourse in any proper sense, so there is an added task of writing to intention.

And go back to Youtube if you're going to throw around insults like that.

You honestly could not figure out he wasn't being serious? The very content of the text indicated sarcasm. You honestly think someone posting on an urban discourse forum would hold views like that?
I would like to point out that there is absolutely nothing in the post by p5connex that indicates that it was intended to be sarcastic. When I first read it myself, I had to think for a while before deciding that it must be sarcastic. Somebody new to the board would have every reason to take it seriously, not knowing the personalities of the posters here, which can only be learned with time.

I think you are being far too hard on Gphorce, while p5connex gets away with his horrible anti-disabled comments without any sort of reprimand. (Even if they were intended to be sarcastic, they still went beyond the bounds in my opinion, since there was absolutely no indication in the post that he was not being serious. If he had included a rolling-eyes icon, it would have been okay since it would have been clear that it was intended as sarcasm.)
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