Buzzing by the Gardiner yesterday - ICE awaits it's cladding.

So it was alluded to earlier in the thread, but I spoke to a friend last night and he mentioned that Marsh + McLennan (where he works) would be moving to the office component here, likely as the main tennant in about 3-4 years (he said they'd probably have their name on the building).
MMC is moving, and not to 16 York.

Think very nearby.

Ah, ok. We were walking down Bremner and he pointed out the Ice plot, but I can see how someone who doesn't take an interest in construction could easily mix up two future buildings across form each other. The timeline he gave me also makes a lot more sense for Bremner, mentioned possibly moving offices in 3 years.
I always ask as I'm curious; Any idea if it is a relocation / downsizing / expansion ?

A lot of times firms will take up less space in the new building but employee the same # of people, so effectively a relocation.

One hopes that at least some of these moves involve expansion as well, not necessarily space wise, as that's a rather moot point (but I guess that's what gets us construction :D ) but people wise as that means more people are working downtown.

For example: RBC definitely expanded, but RSA just relocated from what I know.
So AON is the tenant for the office building here at ICE/16 York?
So AON is the tenant for the office building here at ICE/16 York?

It was speculated that Aon was going to be the lead tenant at Bremner Tower but now that we know it will be MMC, there's no reason to think that Aon will be moving from its current locations at all, though I'm sure they're being solicited.
