+1. Ice's impact along University (and the skyline) has been an awesome surprise!. Now imagine if a 400m skyscraper were built where the current Citi building is at the foot of University. it would have stunning effect, kinda like Trump Chicago


Goes to show that a grand avenue bookend by a massive skyscraper is so much more attractive and urban than one bookended with sky like one sees behind the Ontario Legislature. The view behind City Hall isn't very good either. Since when was sky a good bookend in a big city anyway? Hopefully as the city core develops, we'll finally get a proper urban vista behind the Legislature and City Hall.
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Goes to show that a grand avenue bookend by a massive skyscraper is so much more attractive and urban than one bookended with sky like one sees behind City Hall and the Ontario Legislature. Since when was sky a good bookend in a big city anyway? Hopefully as the city core develops, we'll finally get a proper urban vista behind the Legislature and City Hall.

no thanks.
Second that. And Trump Tower Chicago is a pretty banal building for bookending anything. At the foot of University - ok; behind the Legislature? Sorry, it's doesn't cut it.

Second that. And Trump Tower Chicago is a pretty banal building for bookending anything. At the foot of University - ok; behind the Legislature? Sorry, it's doesn't cut it.


Its funny you mention that, I'm not a fan of Trump Toronto in the slightest but honestly I'm not sure I'd want trump Chicago instead ... I just find it so over bearing ... probably more of a personal taste issue though, another building I don't love (but the design / idea is great in principle ... on its own ...) the new Encana building in Calgary.
Second that. And Trump Tower Chicago is a pretty banal building for bookending anything. At the foot of University - ok; behind the Legislature? Sorry, it's doesn't cut it.

North of the Legislature and north of City Hall when standing in NPS.

I didn't mention Chicago Trump specifically, but a skyscraper. Toronto will get proper bookends to its grand avenues and behind City Hall eventually. The type of people who are moving to downtown Toronto are people who are drawn to the built form (among other things). Most don't move here so they can see the sky or Parisienne vistas.

It will likely take a generation for attitudes towards density/intensification/shadowing in planning circles to catch up with views held by the people that will come to populate the core. There is always resistance to change, and there's still a significant segment of the population that wants to maintain the Toronto of their youth.

I certainly didn't move to the densest part of the country to see the sky.
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I didn't mention Chicago Trump specifically, but a skyscraper. Toronto will get proper bookends to its grand avenues and behind City Hall eventually. The type of people who are moving to downtown Toronto are people who are drawn to the built form (among other things). Most don't move here so they can see the sky or Parisienne vistas.

It will likely take a generation for attitudes towards density/intensification in planning circles to catch up the views held by the people that will come to populate the core. There is always resistance to change, and there's still a significant segment of the population that wants to maintain the Toronto of their youth.

Density/intensification and maintenance of view corridors are two VERY different issues. To conflate them would be like saying Downtown Vancouver isn't dense when they have some of the tightest regulations in this area.

I certainly didn't move to the densest part of the country to see the sky.

I highly doubt you moved to Toronto because of its' density or built form either.

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Queen's Park, some of the historic buildings of he U of T, the ROM etc, are immediately behind the legislature, when viewed from the south. I suppose there could be very tall structures north of Bloor, but I wouldn't expect a bookend Skyscraper for a long time, if ever.
North of the Legislature and north of City Hall when standing in NPS.

I didn't mention Chicago Trump specifically, but a skyscraper. Toronto will get proper bookends to its grand avenues and behind City Hall eventually. The type of people who are moving to downtown Toronto are people who are drawn to the built form (among other things). Most don't move here so they can see the sky or Parisienne vistas.

It will likely take a generation for attitudes towards density/intensification/shadowing in planning circles to catch up with views held by the people that will come to populate the core. There is always resistance to change, and there's still a significant segment of the population that wants to maintain the Toronto of their youth.

No, people want to maintain the Toronto where you can stroll down a street or through a park or square on a cool spring or fall day and be warmed by the sun, and where trees and flowers can grow properly in the summer instead of being impeded by shadows. Imagine a restaurant patio in the shadows of Bay Street in the Financial District versus a sunny one on Queen West. The Queen West patio will probably be a lot more popular for this reason alone.

Sun, greenery and patios makes a big difference in how people perceive the urban environment. It can be perceived as a cold and sterile "concrete jungle" if in shadows all the time, or warm, inviting and livable when shadowing is not an issue. If people appreciate the built form, then they're going to appreciate vistas of monumental heritage buildings which are much lot more interesting and memorable than some 60 storey pile of glass and concrete casting shadows over the places people want to go like public squares and patios. Bay Street's vista of the Old City Hall clocktower is iconic.
nice pic!


also delta is looking great and will be at least the height of shangri la at that view, and rcmi makes for a good filler
