An ice sculpture on top? Better than that clumsy "hat" on Aura.
I was thinking with the second last picture, the crane looks like a cell/tv/radio tower like FCP has. It would look good to have one tower in the middle like that.
I'm loving this way more than i originally thought i would, i'm surprised it's not getting a little more enthusiasm around here? These floating caps are so cool, it gives a real fun 'Jetsons' vibe to the skyline.
I'm loving this way more than i originally thought i would, i'm surprised it's not getting a little more enthusiasm around here? These floating caps are so cool, it gives a real fun 'Jetsons' vibe to the skyline.

Oh what makes you think that ? I think we've just seen many many photos with these buildings in essentially the same state they are in today (along with many comments regarding how nice they are, so there isn't much to add); Once the crane comes down and construction completes I'm sure you'll see more.
I think that color of light clashes with the building. It should be white or silver it will match the building. IMO
Oh what makes you think that ? I think we've just seen many many photos with these buildings in essentially the same state they are in today (along with many comments regarding how nice they are, so there isn't much to add); Once the crane comes down and construction completes I'm sure you'll see more.

You could be right, maybe it's because they've been off of my radar.
This project is turning out as well as I hoped it would. A terrific addition, at least in terms of the skyline.
I'm loving this way more than i originally thought i would, i'm surprised it's not getting a little more enthusiasm around here? These floating caps are so cool, it gives a real fun 'Jetsons' vibe to the skyline.

I was thinking the exact same thing . I've always loved ICE. They could have just built two rectangle spandrel filled boxes but they used imagination and came up with something unique. They are really cool towers.
I'm worried that the office component with be a huge box. I think that would take something away from these towers. The office portion needs to be as creative as those sleek towers. Bremner already has enough boring boxes.
