According to the most recent issue of Condo Guide ... the ICE Condos presentation centre is 'finally' open at the southwest corner of York & Bremner ~
According to the most recent issue of Condo Guide ... the ICE Condos presentation centre is 'finally' open at the southwest corner of York & Bremner ~
Well, I walked past it at 2pm today so unless they worked hard all afternoon I doubt it is open just yet! I doubt strongly it could be open before January.
I walked by at 3:20 pm today as well :)

Nope it's definitely not open but I assure you a lot of progress has been made from a few weeks ago ... it's almost there.

The strange part is all the wooden beams have been covered up - I think it'll be filled with glass panels.
Hey guys, how about charging your batteries up and snapping a few updates down there! I'll speak for myself, I'm jonesing for some updates! :)
There was an image posted on SSC, that showed a more completed sales centre awaiting glass.
25 November 2008 photo update

^Did it look a little something like this photo?

Perfect ... so imagine that - covered up with hoarding - i.e. the wooden panels are no longer visible ... likely to because glass will be placed over it (Actually from the signage on the hoarding that's exactly what will happen)
They have been selling out of the temporary sales trailer, though, and I believe they have more than 300 sales.
geezz ... ICE has such a misleading AD ... apologies for the false info
hey ICE can even get some 'free' architectural elements added to the sales office structure during winter such as icecicles and frost to go with the ICE theme :p

