There was a thread a year or two ago containing speculation about what would happen on the 16 York site. The only hard information we had at the time was that the developers were the same as for MLS, and the city requirements for office and total areas. As I recall, the consensus "most likely" project configuration was very close to what was unveiled -- three towers, averaging about the same size as the two MLS towers.

I just looked for the thread, and could not find it. Maybe it was not transferred during the forum move? If it exists on this site, it should probably be merged with this thread.

I just looked for the thread, and could not find it. Maybe it was not transferred during the forum move? If it exists on this site, it should probably be merged with this thread.
Everything that was on EZBoard was transferred to vBulletin. The only things that were lost were threads that had already expired before we had left EZBoard. I think once a thread got buried 20 or so pages into the archives, it got deleted on EZBoard. I'll take a look for it myself.
Just looked at the other thread. Although it mentions 16 York, this thread is not the one I was thinking of. That thread had quite a lot of speculation about 16 York -- I know because I had posted several times to it myself, with my guesses as to what was likely to be proposed.
Could the speculation have been in the Maple Leaf Square thread, what with it being across the street, and by the same developers, etc.?

well MLS was a huge money maker for the developers and now they seem they are going bigger.
Found it! It was the 18 York St (KPMB) thread.

From one of my posts on that thread:

Word at SSC is that Lanterra/Cadillac is so pleased with the success of Maple Leaf Square, that they want to do something similar across the street at 16 York. The city does require them to include a large office component -- about 45-50 floors worth -- but more MLS-type condos could also fit in the plot. The site could hold up to three substantial buildings. So could we be looking at a 45-50 floor office building (180m-210m) plus two more MLS-type condo buildings (175m-185m)?

It turns out that the developer is planning to use only about 70% or so of the available office allowance, IIRC.

instead of a 30 story office building. why not 45 stories to satisfy the city.

People will still buy those condos anyways...
instead of a 30 story office building. why not 45 stories to satisfy the city.

People will still buy those condos anyways...

But perhaps there isn't enough of a market for an added 15 floors of office space.

I agree, though. If the city has planned for employment lands it should stick to its guns or settle in favour of the original context of the secondary plan - at least 50% employment. This site is so prime for office given its throwing distance from Union.
instead of a 30 story office building. why not 45 stories to satisfy the city.

People will still buy those condos anyways...

It is always about risk - Developers and their financial partners have long memories and the early-to-mid 90s really weren't that long ago. The city should certainly push for a greater allocation of commercial floor space, but the development partnership will be reluctant to futher expose themselves to greater risk/uncertainty.
that is true, they know they can fill a 30 story building but filling something like BA would be much harder and considering that there are 3 big office towers already u/c.
If the people who have a say in whether this project moves forward have a brain, they should ask for a guarantee that the commercial component gets either built first before the residential or that all three towers are build simultaneously. Here is hoping that there will not be a repeat of the World Trade Centre down on Harbourfront.
If the people who have a say in whether this project moves forward have a brain, they should ask for a guarantee that the commercial component gets either built first before the residential or that all three towers are build simultaneously. Here is hoping that there will not be a repeat of the World Trade Centre down on Harbourfront.

Was World Trade Centre supposed to have a commercial component?
They were supposed to have a few office towers. The city allowed the developer to construct the condos first, then the economy tanked so the developer dropped those plans.
Yup.. Toronto was going to have a bonafide WTC.. Now we just have condos of the WTC.. Very fitting, isn't it?

