this area greatly benefits from having a ton of attention from suburbanites...
The 600mil reno of union will include prime retail commercial etc.. The public space at the acc, 5 star dining, killer sportsbar, rooftop pool, sauna, lounge, private massage rooms, room service, maid service, hmmm walk through the new underground tunnel to Toronto Island. Path to the financial district.. Elegance at its best!

There is so much more to mention. The gardiner will be a Blvd in a few years and the tracks will blend into the city with the union renos

Are you serious? Note, I have been in favour of this neighhourhood's rise for a while now and can list all the beneficial elements that it brings. Your list, however, is bizarre and nearly laughable. No offense, but, the things you list do not a good neighbourhood make. Indeed, the renovation of Union Station, as you claim, will have very little to do with ICE. Most of the reno will take place on the interior to better serve the new subway track, the expanded waterfront LRT station, and enhance the concourse. The Telus entrance and PATH will benefit the south Union precinct area but not to the degree you are suggesting.

5 star dining can be found everywhere in the financial district and so what about a killer sports bar. Most research on neighbourhoods would suggest that entertainment areas actually detract or stabilize home values, rather than enhance them. The other amenities you list for this condo are fairly standard in condos of this price elsewhere in the city. Indeed, those same features are at Pinnacle just across the way. Will the price sky-rocket there too? The large public space at the ACC will attract noise, bands, crowds and traffic.

Also, please expand on your daydream regarding the tunnel to Toronto Island. Please, I want to know more about this magical mystical tunnel from ICE to Toronto Island. Are you referring to the one at Porter? Are you referring to the one that the Streetcar/LRT will take you to the Ferry station? Neither tunnel is close to ICE nor are they area amenities.

The Gardiner assertion is hilarious. First, if this is to happen it won't be in the next "few years". Second, the proposal (or vision) is only for the eastern leg from Jarvis to the DVP, very far from this neighbourhood thus eliminating any spin-off benefits. And what could “tracks blend into the city” possibly mean? They are not going anywhere!

Indeed, your arguments are weak and ill-informed. Rather, the area will benefit just like all other downtown development from close proximity to employment areas and nearby waterfront access. It is not terribly unique in this regard. Here is a more rational list of what is unique:
• nearby Simcoe Street underpass benefits future residents because it serves them specifically.
• PATH system, while not some amazing gold standard diamond, eliminates some of the winter conditions and offers more retail opportunities.

These retail opportunities, however, will most likely resemble those of the rest of the path in the spin-off areas. I’d expect to see a Mega Wraps, a printing house, bank outlet, a dry cleaner, maybe a tailor but not high-end stuff like Brooks Brothers or Harry Rosen.

There is no doubt that this area will improve overtime and that it will be remarkably integrated into the rest of the core. It has a lot of potential but I'd advise you to clear you head and calm down the hype.
he's trying to justify to himself and others that he did a good thing by paying $500-550 PSF 2 years ago.
he's trying to justify to himself and others that he did a good thing by paying $500-550 PSF 2 years ago.

typical agent spiel. i don't hate this area either, but it's definitely not somewhere i would like to live.
typical agent spiel. i don't hate this area either, but it's definitely not somewhere i would like to live.

I'm not an agent.
I just have vision for this area that will blow your minds. Those of you who do not have vision now will see clearly in 4-5 years

As for the guy that filled up a page with his post
He sounds like those analysts that have been torching the market
for 10 years and we all know the upside our market has seen in 10 years.
Very simply, Toronto is changing very rapidly and will very soon be recognized in the top ten in the World
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I'm not an agent.
I just have vision for this area that will blow your minds. Those of you who do not have vision now will see clearly in 4-5 years

I admire your enthusiasm, but your expectations for this area are unrealistic to the point of absurdity. I honestly wish nothing but the best for this part of town, and I believe that nearly all of the elements to accomplish a nice community are in place, but it will obviously not become the pinnacle of downtown shopping and living that you are envisioning.

Frankly, it sounds like you're really taking the marketing pamphlets to heart. I can name probably 5 or 6 other buildings in the GTA that match or surpass those amenities you listed, and Yorkville II did not materialize around any of them.

You also refer to joint city/private sector projects, like the Union Station reno (which just might happen this time) and PATH extensions (to the island! can you imagine?) which are ALWAYS delayed for years and years, and when they're completed, they consistently underwhelm. That's not to say that if/when these things are built they won't serve their purpose and add value to the neighbourhood, but don't expect more than the bare minimum. This phenomenon can be observed all across the city.

I think you will have a great time here, but you are setting yourself up for a colossal disappointment.
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As the guy who filled a page with, well, legitimate arguments against your point of view, I should state that I too have great expectations for this area. That's been stated many times in this thread early on and in others.

But like Grey said, you don't seem to be acting very realistic. The points you've forwarded are weak at best and wrong from the start. Sorry.

Most of us on this board could care less about the market. Whether I'm an analyst with no foresight or memory is beside the point. The point of this post and indeed this entire thread is about the changing nature of the area from an urbanity perspective. You seem to have missed that point. What is urban about this new, emerging neighbourhood? What makes a neighbourhood successful? We may all have different ideas but I am sure I it is not one killer sportsbar, unlinked renovations to a nearby train station, an imaginary tunnel and/or the hope of high-end retail. That is not market torching it is common sense.

Yes Toronto is changing very rapidly. Toronto is always changing and this area is unique in the sense that it was once a brownfield and now it is instantly here. But you have yet to put forward an tangible, convincing or realistic idea as to how this particular area of the city will "very soon be recognized in the top ten in the World." Less promo speak and more analysis, please.
I'm not an agent.
I just have vision for this area that will blow your minds. Those of you who do not have vision now will see clearly in 4-5 years

Uhhh... Reading the extremely unrealistic ideas in your posts makes my head hurt. Please, drop it.
Very simply, Toronto is changing very rapidly and will very soon be recognized in the top ten in the World

Perhaps, but congratulating each other over fanciful, inflated results like idiot politicians isn't going to get us there.
Hmmm.....Trump bought 1 Wall St for $1 million when no one wanted it, no one thought the area or building was worth it. Donald Trump had something no one had, a vision for something huge, hard to stick your head out and be positive:) Just like the Bay st boyz calling for Toronto to go down to 5800 when it was at 7500 in March, not one of them said higher, everyone was saying lower. No one had the guts to be positive, I commend TorontoMike$$ at least he has the courage/vision to see something potential big, what many will overlook and eventually pass up the opportunity to own a piece of prime real estate, Cad Fair does not buy garbage they have a brand that is their success. We all have an opinion;)

i don't know if you realize this or not, but the people you mentioned (ie. Trump and CF) are DEVELOPERS whose interest is to market an image and vision.

they already made their money when they sold the unit to whomever ...
if they believed the hype as much as the marketing, they would retain and own the building COMPLETELY, not sell off the majority of the units and only retain maybe 5% of SF on the highest levels while throwing their name on the building.

you do know that the majority of Trump's buildings aren't majority owned by him.
Hmmm.....Trump bought 1 Wall St for $1 million when no one wanted it, no one thought the area or building was worth it. Donald Trump had something no one had, a vision for something huge, hard to stick your head out and be positive:) Just like the Bay st boyz calling for Toronto to go down to 5800 when it was at 7500 in March, not one of them said higher, everyone was saying lower. No one had the guts to be positive, I commend TorontoMike$$ at least he has the courage/vision to see something potential big, what many will overlook and eventually pass up the opportunity to own a piece of prime real estate, Cad Fair does not buy garbage they have a brand that is their success. We all have an opinion;)

I don't think trump is a very good example mate, hasn't he gone both up and down in his real estate history? Also, 1 Wall street in downtown NYC, a dense established area for the better part of a century, is not the same as the newly being developed railway lands in a city that is much more spread out and always will be much more spread out. We will grow but not like NYC. Its a different ball game all together. Being optimistic is one thing, being optimistically realisitic is another.

Or realistically optimistic? Well u get the idea...

Cheers though for the positive thinking! :)
you do know that the majority of Trump's buildings aren't majority owned by him.

Some Trump buildings (some not too far from the project under discussion here) are not owned at all by him/them! They are branded with his name, perhaps with a hotel management agreement and marketed under Trump banner....that's all.
No question this area is unique so I can understand some of the unbridled enthusiasm for it. Where else in Canada (or the world for that matter) do you have 6 modes of mass transit--plane, train, subway, streetcar, bus & ferry--available within a 15 minute walk? Not to mention 3 major league sports teams, a major financial district with local stock exchange, the world's tallest free-standing tower (look it up!), a waterfront cultural district (with urban beach), a spiffy new train museum and enough hot dog carts to feed an army. It may never be beautiful, but it is damn convenient.
