These photos are really great ^^^. the shadowing of that time of day really works against the snow.
can we expect to reach ground level by the end of the year (if we're lucky)? or is it more like early next year?
That's a huge footprint. It always depends on how aggressive the developer is to move a project along but I'd go with Khristopher, late summer early fall is probably a safe bet.
It's cool to see part of the harbour frozen in that last pic too.
Jan 19


There is only one crane on the site so far.. I thought both building start simultaneously.. are they going to install another crane anytime soon ?
I like how it went from flying a helicopter to drive a sports car on an airport strip to going home to running on the treadmill/lounging in the steamroom to watching tv. I was expecting the next scene to be sitting on a couch and lifting a cheek to let one out.
