In respect of loading, I certainly agree there is room to permit trucks backing out, where this can be done safely (sightlines, road width etc.)

However, it is important to note we certainly don't want trucks backing out to major roads during rush hours or high volume travel times, as this could lead to significant additional congestion, including for transit.

Where the access is limited to side streets I'm inclined to support removing the turnaround requirement, though each street does need to examined based on circumstance. (for instance if the side street features a fire hall or EMS facility in the same block, you want to be careful not to delay response times by 90 seconds or more.


Worth adding, many of the issues around the turning requirement would be mitigated by reducing the size of waste-hauling trucks. Of course, this would increase the cost of delivering said service (with more trips to transfer stations required); there are always tradeoffs.
I don't disagree with this either - like most things in life, a bit of thought and moderation is needed. A "never need a turnaround" rule is likely just as bad as a "always need a turnaround".
Recently saw a video on Tokyo that featured the small fire trucks and garbage trucks that are able to navigate the city's narrow streets. We should really start figuring them out sooner than latter, as the streets aren't getting any wider. Would also be a boon for all road users safety as we should probably make the vehicles routinely speeding the wrong way down streets as small as possible.
I would fully support a move towards using "kei" trucks in Toronto for garbage pick-up, emergency vehicles, & some suitable construction uses ("kei" designation = an engine of 660cc or less). Note the Japanese government does play a role in encouraging their use as they intentionally tax kei vehicles at a quarter of the regular rate, so perhaps we could advocate for something similar.

