I am not gonna lie - the kitchen cabinetry looks very cheap.

Also I do like how the colour of the brick on the outside seems to match the brick of the building beside it - it helps me not focus on the jarring top part lol.
To be honest, it looks like some of the better quality cabinets I've seen in most new builds. I've seen some condos or the Delta Lofts by Ottawa with what appears to legitimately be office cabinets. It's absolute shite quality.
Lol paying a premiume for shite
I don't think it's a premium, it's just the cost of building housing and adding a marginal profit on it. Like an old car vs a new car, older cars are cheaper not because that's what the true value was, but because they've aged and depreciated.

Most new housing costs $400,000-$550,000 to build today, selling that or amortizing it out through rent is expensive. I'd rather have nice cabinetry, but seeing how my parents paid like $50,000 to have the kitchen rebuilt, $30,000 of that being the custom cabinets I'm not surprised the developers opt for cheaper finishes.
I don't think it's a premium, it's just the cost of building housing and adding a marginal profit on it. Like an old car vs a new car, older cars are cheaper not because that's what the true value was, but because they've aged and depreciated.

Most new housing costs $400,000-$550,000 to build today, selling that or amortizing it out through rent is expensive. I'd rather have nice cabinetry, but seeing how my parents paid like $50,000 to have the kitchen rebuilt, $30,000 of that being the custom cabinets I'm not surprised the developers opt for cheaper finishes.
They could employ their own carpenters and pay them pennies.. I mean that works in the states right? :p

or you know, we could employ the amish - they make DAMN good wood stuff.
Maybe I just don't know what's up, but it looks to me like they're applying "real" stucco, as in a plaster rather than the Styrofoam concrete covered stuff that looks like shit after 5 years.
"Real" stucco also looks like shit eventually. Imagine if that wall gets tagged.

I was hoping they'd put something ON the wall - it's just a big-ass stucco wall. I get it's the wall facing the house but still..
"Real" stucco also looks like shit eventually. Imagine if that wall gets tagged.

I was hoping they'd put something ON the wall - it's just a big-ass stucco wall. I get it's the wall facing the house but still..
Real stucco is more common in Spanish countries. I can't think of somewhere in Hamilton that if even exists. The nice thing about "real" stucco is it can more easily be washed. Spray on stucco is impossible to clean.
but it also has to be applied properly and evenly or it'll look terrible right out the gate so to speak..

so far it's looking a bit patchy in that pic - hopefully that's just cuz parts art wet and freshly applied and it'll even out..
