Man, I feel like I drank some bad kool-aid and woke up a decade later where an approved 62s/200m+ tower is a short paragraph lost in the middle of a discarded newspaper (hard copy not online).

Times have changed ... duh ;-). Damn that arthritis in my knees. (pretty sure I joined 10 years earlier than "April 2007" lol... still no UT pension).
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Times have changed ... duh ;-). Damn that arthritis in my knees. (pretty sure I joined 10 years earlier than "April 2007" lol... still no UT pension).

We launched in 2002. Remember when a 20 storey proposal in those days was exciting? @3Dementia
Great memories. I saw a pic of Massey Tower the other day on this site and in its foreground was Pantages and I remembered with a wry smile how HEAD-EXPLODING a 40+ storey condo was at the time and caused such civic and special interest hand-wringing and worry. What a difference 15 yrs can make!
I second what everyone is saying. Pantages was a huge thing at the time, whereas it would no doubt be barely noticed today.

I guess it's to be expected, given the massive (and still rising) ongoing level of construction in Toronto now.

I know that in recent years there are far too many active threads for me to follow, so I've selected a relative handful of projects I find interesting, and am forced to ignore the rest.
We launched in 2002. Remember when a 20 storey proposal in those days was exciting? @3Dementia

Are you talking about the Ed Skira launch in 2002? ;-)

UT had the Billy Corgan era of course.
A zoom-in:

Approved today by the Toronto and East York Community Council :cool:
Community Council does not approve ZBAs or OPAs. They recommend (or not) that City Council approve them, typically three weeks later.

OK very well said, we all know that will be a cake walk :)
Fair enough: ehat's normally true, although there are times when we are surprised by a Councillor leading a last minute charge against a development for various reasons… but yeah, that's very rare, and no reason to think there'll be a problem here!

