Community Consultation Meeting for 110-112 Adelaide Street East and 85 Lombard Street

Tuesday, May 28, 2024 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
(UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)

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City staff invite you to join a virtual Community Consultation Meeting for 110-112 Adelaide Street East and 85 Lombard Street to discuss the planning application seeking to permit a 65-storey mixed use building.

Join us at the Virtual Community Consultation Meeting to learn more about this planning application and to have your say.
You seem to be looking at only at the 'architecture" - you should look also at the context. Architecture might get a 6/10 - context gets a zero plus extra homework.
Would we have all been excited if this was the proposal back in 2005 where spire is currently? Probably so. The building is growing on me and the podium is fire.
Fully replaced plan, up on the front page here!

Arcadis for Greybrook and Stafford.




Unacceptable for the year 2024. I could understand if a Concord-esque balcony-gimmick design like this (inevitably executed with spandrel-and-mullions galore) came out in 2010, but I'd like to think that our city's aesthetic culture has matured quite a bit since then. Clearly not everyone is yet on board with our emerging design evolution away from all-glass/glass-spandrel façades in favour of a return to solid wall/cladding and warm-earth colours...
