Sunny but cold (-12 C) February morning for a public pop-up consultation drop-in...

Photo 2024-02-24, 11 26 07 AM.jpg

Photo 2024-02-24, 11 11 44 AM.jpg


WEB VERSION of that story -
Resubmission with the primary change being the removal of the 3-storey laneway structure to allow for waste collection vehicle maneuvering requirements.

Stat changes:
  • Total residential units decreased from 100 to 94
  • Total bicycle parking decreased from 110 to 105
  • Unit Mix & minor GFA changes
No new renderings.
CreateTO mass email - "Throughout April, we refined the building’s design and submitted a revised, final application to the City on May 3, 2024. The most significant adjustments were related to accommodating the City of Toronto’s waste pick-up requirements, which necessitated removing the proposed 3-storey building at the back of the site. The updated development still includes the 10-storey mass timber building, which has a total of 94 units. The development application is still targeting 30 per cent affordable units. In place of the 3-storey building, the proposal now includes a standalone building that will house 105 secured, long-term bike parking spaces and a newly oriented loading space to accommodate waste pickup. You can view the final submission — including drawings, reports, and studies — on the City’s Application Information Centre."

Resubmission with the primary change being the removal of the 3-storey laneway structure to allow for waste collection vehicle maneuvering requirements.

Stat changes:
  • Total residential units decreased from 100 to 94
  • Total bicycle parking decreased from 110 to 105
  • Unit Mix & minor GFA changes
No new renderings.
New updated City Planning SIGN. Item will be at Community Council this week…





The BIA would like the existing 37 parking spots added as underground parking. Maybe they can foot the $4m to $5m construction costs?

View attachment 579308

Setting to one side the virtues of replacing the lost parking (or lack thereof), this is the wrong point in the process to raise the issue.

That should have been raised upfront, immediately, with explanation from Green P on whether the current lot is profitable, whether such an expenditure could be justified here, and whether this was the right site for such a thing within the community, or whether a different site would be preferable.

I have no difficulty with giving consideration to the value of parking to area businesses, but this housing project should not be delayed because they were late to the game.

The parking request should be referred to Green P for consideration in subsequent area developments.


In the meantime............I have a two birds, one stone solution to their issue............

Lets grab some of this parking for area visitors:


Roylat, Halton and Bayden streets should get Pay and Display parking (permit holders exempt) ; and the price of the bloody permits should be raised to fair market value.

Those two in combination should free up at least 1/3 of the spots on those three streets, and that would fully replace the lost 37 spaces.

You're welcome, Ossington BIA
