Gladstone badly needs a lane taken out, trees planted in widened sidewalks, when the City gets around to some maintenance on it. Anyone know if there are plans for that?

Gladstone badly needs a lane taken out, trees planted in widened sidewalks, when the City gets around to some maintenance on it. Anyone know if there are plans for that?



Construction should be this year.

It’s most welcome, but it drives me crazy that the City is still installing a) unprotected bike lanes anywhere, and b) even worse, unprotected bike lanes that are in the dooring zone.

The lay-by parking here is the issue, nothing more or less.

If that comes out, you can take your choice of protected bike lanes, or regular bike lanes but no dooring zone and room for lots more trees.
Thanks Northern Light! Sort of disappointing though, although anything is an improvement, and my expectations may have been fantasy-land. I’d always hoped they’d actually take out a lane, ideally on the east side, and keep Gladstone one-way southbound like it is north of Peel Ave. Honestly though, just typing that out made me realize how hard that would be for deliveries to two grocery stores and hundreds of condo units. So. I think the plan is a bit of a missed opportunity, but admittedly pragmatic, and I’m still excited.
FYI for those interested in the streetscape, this concept has evolved a few times, the previous version was this:


Note that it was missing the bike lane in one direction (shared lane) but still had the layby parking.

Going back before that you had the version in the original EA:


No cycling facilities in that version at all, lots more trees.............but what's there again...........layby parking!!!!!!
