I'm really digging this one too. With the stone (?) exterior and strong cube lines, the contrast to the predominantly glassy condos around it (not to mention the low-quality brick eyesore that is the bohemian embassy) is fantastic. My only hesitation on that contrast is its proximity to the gladstone - a red brick may have been more contextually sensitive. Still, looks like the best new condo in the area to my eye.


  • upload_2018-7-29_20-28-27.png
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This looks sharp. Kind of feel like Quadrangle renderings look better than their final product? I.e.- The High Park project on Bloor.
Curious how this developer will make the high land cost, less gfa, and inefficient floor plates work. Does anyone know what they sold for here?
Generally okay...just not as refined or well thought out as I would've hoped.
Wood treatment and placement, limestone face to white brick transition, balcony slab edge details, window system grilles etc...
That looks good, bring it on. Quite the slick profile.... a striking render - hope it's realized very similar to that depiction.
Is that retail on the ground level? The retail on Gladstone still hasn't been filled and yet that development has been done for years now.
Gladstone doesn't have the foot traffic that Queen does. I see more work / retail than pure retail working better there.
