Landsdowne is nothing like the Plateau in Montreal. Where is the Parc Lahaie? Where is the L'Avenue? Where are the colouful houses and murals?
Ok maybe Parkdale is more of a plateau vibe, but idk I feel a lot of similarity between Mile End and Landsdowne personally. I always feel like it's a cool area with cool things going on.
NIMBYs not invited.
I do not appreciate you calling me a NIMBY. I think there's a fine line between wanting a locality or soul of a neighbourhood to remain and be exciting or unique to some degree versus simply not wanting development at all. We're not strangers to the sterility of development and what we get in the majority of Toronto. If you've read my opinions on other threads, I am supportive of high density housing as long as it's affordable and there are supports for small businesses/existing tenants when needed.
Supportive of development as long as it isn’t in your community… Isn’t that the definition of NIMBY? Asking for a friend
NIMBYism usually refers to development that is within one's community, where this is pushback from local residents and there is a degree of intense gatekeeping. I do think there is a profound difference between an individual not wanting a neighbourhood to lose its charm or cool factor vs actively pushing back on development and going to meetings to protest etc.

In my defence, in my local Yonge and st Clair area is going under rapid growth. I love the area as it is but I feel like the developments would make the intersection even more interesting and add more retail and cool architecture - that has certainly not been the common opinion with the older generation in my area. Most feel scorn and fury, the ones who are actively bemoaning it and doing something about it.

granted it's been awhile since I've read about this specific project, so perhaps I'm just unaware but I just don't see what uniqueness or addition this would add to the neighbourhood rather than more condos nobody can afford. The existing location can definitely go but like I said I'm just kind of sad to see gentrification in areas that I feel don't (need) it. But that's just my personal opinion.
I do not appreciate you calling me a NIMBY. I think there's a fine line between wanting a locality or soul of a neighbourhood to remain and be exciting or unique to some degree versus simply not wanting development at all. We're not strangers to the sterility of development and what we get in the majority of Toronto. If you've read my opinions on other threads, I am supportive of high density housing as long as it's affordable and there are supports for small businesses/existing tenants when needed.
You're welcome to have an opinion provided you pay for it. If you don't like it, then by all means, buy RioCan out.
You're welcome to have an opinion provided you pay for it. If you don't like it, then by all means, buy RioCan out.
I just think you’re being condescending for no reason. I didn’t do anything wrong it’s just a difference in opinion. Many people want neighbourhoods to change but others think certain places are amazing as they are. It doesn’t have to be that deep.
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Would be great if the city gets them to build an entrance that connects to the Lansdowne subway station on the southwest corner of Bloor and Lansdowne. It would widen the sidewalk and get all pedestrians that will be connecting from the new Bloor Lansdowne GO station off the ground level intersection. They are doing this on the SW corner of Dufferin and Bloor with the development there.
Would be great if the city gets them to build an entrance that connects to the Lansdowne subway station on the southwest corner of Bloor and Lansdowne. It would widen the sidewalk and get all pedestrians that will be connecting from the new Bloor Lansdowne GO station off the ground level intersection. They are doing this on the SW corner of Dufferin and Bloor with the development there.
The developer would have to significantly increase the price of the units, likely far beyond what the market would bear here, to be able to afford the cost of an underground connection; they are very expensive to build.

Not only that, Dufferin Station is far closer to Bloor than is Lansdowne, making the connection far easier to plan and construct. Unless you're tunneling directly under the Lansdowne ROW, I don't know where you'd place such a connection given there are at least two other properties south of the station before Bloor.
Especially in the context of the coming Lansdowne GO Station (as well as the existing Lansdowne TTC station).

Yup, it's about 100M between the Lansdowne station box and the corner of this site.

Frankly, cost aside, I really don't want to driver potential retail traffic and eyes on the street underground here either.

The only merit I see in such a notion is the very buildings you mention, both dumpster fires in their own right, being lined up for demo/redevelopment.


Yup, it's about 100M between the Lansdowne station box and the corner of this site.

Frankly, cost aside, I really don't want to driver potential retail traffic and eyes on the street underground here either.

The only merit I see in such a notion is the very buildings you mention, both dumpster fires in their own right, being lined up for demo/redevelopment.

View attachment 460109

View attachment 460110
I really wish to see those both go...
Many moons ago, Bargain Club was one of the original large-format Loblaws Groceterias locations.

Indeed! Of course you got me searching for a pic, and lo and behold, the one that comes up was posted right at here at UT, by @vic in the 1319 Bloor thread.


Not a head-on view, but the signage is clear enough, along with an exposed cinder-block south elevation.

The bank on the corner is nothing grand, but certainly better than what replaced it. Also of note, in looking the photo over, is that movie theatre. I'm quite sure that now molested building standing there is one and the same; well, rather heavily altered:

This is the current building taken from the rear/east:


Looks like a building form for a stage/fly area.
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