Possibly unrelated with actual future plans here, but Smart Density with a vision concept and massing studies for this site. No date on when it was compiled though.

It's interesting that they list Diamond Corp as the client here. They've also included massing figures for intensification potential on the north side of Bloor W.



Good spot for density (including on the north side), and I love that they have the Railpath connection in mind. I just hope that this can actually be squeezed in there south of Bloor.

Couple of concerns though:
1) That massing would feel like a big block-sized monolith from ground level. Looks like you'd have to go though the building to access the interior private(?) park space.
2) On the north side, if they push the tower closer to the tracks they could avoid shadowing/privacy issues a bit more with the existing homes on Wade.

I also hope that whatever happens here does a better job of connecting up with Bloor St. than BeBloor and 55/77 Rankin on the west side of the tracks.
I'd be curious how much of this site Metrolinx is entitled to. Their conceptual idea proposes a good deal of it:


Up until recently, they were using a decent chunk of the rail corridor for their own parking lot.
I'd be curious how much of this site Metrolinx is entitled to. Their conceptual idea proposes a good deal of it:

View attachment 265995
It boggles my mind that Metrolinx is talking about breaking up a prime development site so they can build a vehicle cul-de-sac. What a waste. It's like they've forgotten that we're in the middle of a housing crisis. Can you imagine if every downtown subway station had a huge kiss and ride like this? If Metrolinx really feels that it has to cater to downtown drivers, why not sell the air rights or bring on a development partner to integrate the loop into the ground floor of a new development?
Not to mention that Parks Department afterwards will say "that's provincial, so it doesn't count. We still need our parklands dedication on the site", further breaking up the site.
I'd be curious how much of this site Metrolinx is entitled to. Their conceptual idea proposes a good deal of it:

View attachment 265995
Those prelimary plans were well highlighted to have issues. They basically designed all the urban stations the same way that they design the suburban stations with massive oversized bus terminals and huge outdoor pedestrian spaces.

I fully expect the final station design to take significantly less space.
Via Ana Bailao on Facebook.....

1319 Bloor Street West - Online Community Meeting
You’re invited to an Online Community Meeting about a proposed development at 1319 Bloor Street West. The site is currently occupied by a Value Village store and surface parking lot.

KingSett Capital is excited to hear your thoughts about our proposal to reimagine the site as a new mixed-use, transit-oriented development.

The proposed development will include:

The new planned Bloor-Lansdowne GO station entrance
A mixed-use building, consisting of two residential towers (31 and 33 storeys) and ground level retail space fronting onto Bloor Street West
A public park and POPS (privately owned publicly accessible space)
A pedestrian walkway linking St. Helen’s Avenue to the planned Bloor-Lansdowne GO Station platform and multi-use path
A planning application has not yet been submitted to the City of Toronto for their review, and we are looking forward to doing so in the coming weeks.

This online community meeting will include a presentation by members of the Project Team followed by a Question & Answer session. Deputy Mayor Ana Bailão and City Planning Staff will be in attendance.

We welcome you to send your questions in advance to consultation@bousfields.ca (Subject Line: 1319 Bloor St W).

Decent amount of density being conceptualized here. The poster also lists Hariri Pontarini as being involved. Although as with the other KingSett sites active in this town right now, the question remains whether they're planning to develop this out or if this is an eventual zone 'n flip.

The podium, albeit it w/larger windows reminds me of New College at U of T's St. George Campus:


(from Streetview)

I don't mind it.

I like the massing, density and usage overall.

The towers I find rather banal and they seem to lack a cohesive relationship to the podium.

I'm not really sure about the park either.

Not a design issue, we're not there anyway, I imagine.

I'm just not a big fan of park fragments.

I'd be more inclined to look for an existing park nearby that would benefit from expansion.

Say...........this one:


A pretty useless, one lot wonder........with nothing........no ability to play sports, no playground, no picnic space..........why not acquire that garage, then build a playground or something?
Say...........this one:

View attachment 286173

A pretty useless, one lot wonder........with nothing........no ability to play sports, no playground, no picnic space..........why not acquire that garage, then build a playground or something?

There's a well-used basketball half-court at Perth Avenue Parkette. Surprisingly well-kept flower garden. And from personal experience, a good place to run around with kids and climb trees. :) That garage is part of this redevelopment proposal too: https://urbantoronto.ca/forum/threads/toronto-i2-stack-70m-3s-ohp-williamsonwilliamson.28247/
