I mean by buying this site they are probably saving a couple hundred million on construction costs over the city plan, and are freeing up land on the west side of McCowan.

It doesn't need to be looked at in such a black and white manner, the overall benefit is probably greater to have lower subway construction costs. I'm sure Oxford will pick up some additional density in their Master Plan now that the subway terminal is off their lands.

Subway costs in this city in general are on a runaway train of cost creep, and the PC government seems to be taking meaningful steps to try to think of projects more economically. Which I think is the right approach given the absurd sums involved in most of these projects. Local politicians seem content to spend hundreds of millions of bucks to save a handful of residents homes. It's just not worth it.
Doug Ford, the housing man, if he can't screw it up, no one can!

Setting aside any pro-subway/anti-subway thoughts here.......

I'm not sure I get the 'scuttle' part.

I could see 'delay'.

There's clearly no reason towers can't be built over top.


I actually see one legit. problem for the development though, unrelated to the subway; which is that the City still has designs on returning the McCowan/Progress flyover to an at-grade intersection.

That entails two sets of issues, the first is the appropriate elevation of the development in relation to a road (or roads) that would experience a change in elevation.

The second is construction access/detours during the re-grade.

As to my knowledge, the change never reached detailed design, I'm unclear on the 'lift' of McCowan vs the drop in Progress that was contemplated; but I could certainly see challenges in building when those questions aren't yet resolved.
I mean by buying this site they are saving a couple hundred million on construction costs over the city plan and are freeing up land on the west side of McCowan.

It doesn't need to be looked at in such a black and white manner, the overall benefit is greater to have lower subway construction costs. I'm sure Oxford will pick up some additional density in their Master Plan now that the subway terminal is off their lands.

Subway costs in this city in general are on a runaway train of cost creep, and the PC government seems to be taking meaningful steps to try to think of projects more economically. Which I think is the right approach given the absurd sums involved in most of these projects. Local politicians seem content to spend hundreds of millions of bucks to save a handful of resident's homes. It's just not worth it.
Subway Estimate is easy. Yake the longest completion time and the highest Labour rate than double it. Now add 10% for the slush funds to encourage developers then double it again for the lawsuits from contractors that have secretly been planned now add 15 months to the schedule and add another 20% to encourage faster completion. Finally claim that all overages were paid for by the consortium (Using money from lawsuits and slush fund and expediting money). It's so easy t calculates a budget for a subway in Toronto
Doug Ford, the housing man, if he can't screw it up, no one can!
It's not like we were getting anything special with the proposed development, so by all means please ram a subway right through this site. Actually, please build it so it reaches surface level for all I care so this proposal goes away for something more inspiring.
Because they're dumb-asses, when stripping this down to the simplest explanation?
Why can't we have the subway below grade, and this development atop? I mean beyond Metrolinx' documented inability and unwillingness to partner with developers and property owners along its routes, preferring wasteful, single-storey-pavilion station entrances over ones integrated into larger projects.
They prefer to build palaced-sized parking garages and piss away funds instead.

Why make money when you can lose money right?
-Metrolinx motto
Half the site is fenced off for Scarborough Subway work:

Can probably lock this thread, @interchange42. According to this drawing, this whole piece has been acquired by Metrolinx:

View attachment 500084
Thanks for the note. I'm not locking the thread, but I have switched the project status in the database file to Cancelled, and have removed most details from the previous proposal, but left the renderings for the time being. We'll see what happen next…

This site is now where Scarborough Town Centre station's bus terminal and main entrance will be located, but with Transit Oriented Development, so it makes sense to me to preserve this thread for the TOD once they decide what it will be!

