Midtown Urbanist

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Sep 21, 2013
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Currently occupied by Sprint Senior Care. 140 Merton is of the 11 sites identified as part of John Tory's Housing Now initiative. (Link)

I decided to begin this thread because I have heard rumbling that this site will be among the first to proceed. I've also heard rumblings of 14 storeys and largely senior-oriented from the local councillor.

Estimated Units according to CreateTO: 150 (50% market rental, 50% affordable rental)

Heritage Report: https://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2017/te/bgrd/backgroundfile-101450.pdf
Heritage Easement 2017: https://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2017/te/bgrd/backgroundfile-100814.pdf
I wonder how much density the city is willing put on these sites- 14 floors hardly seems like enough.

That being said, this is near North Toronto and its monied NIMBYs, so you never know.
QuadReal also has an application in on Merton to replace the parking garage just east of Yonge with an apartment building if memory serves right.



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What a ridiculous waste of a precious public resource, to rezone this at 18 storeys when the brand new, in-force Yonge-Eglinton Secondary Plan (OPA 405) identifies the height range in this Merton Street corridor as 14 to 40 storeys (5.4.3.u), and further allows increases beyond the upper limit, within the context of an individual application, without requiring an OPA (5.4.3).

This makes me so mad. Stupid, stupid wastefulness, irresponsible use of public resources, and most importantly, a missed opportunity to deliver more affordable housing when it is is so desperately needed. Really pathetic work from the City.
The city actually increased it to 18 storeys from 15 storeys. That is ambitous for the City.

Can't say I am not disappointed. They are proposing 10 units per floor, if this site was 40 storeys that would be 200 affordable units as opposed to the meager 80 proposed.
