Right I'm just wondering who we think would be the appellant? Can the city appeal itself?

The City cannot appeal a Council decision it approves, no.

That wouldn't make sense.

If there were an appellant it would likely be a neighbour/neighbouring property owner.

There could be any number of theoretical arguments made but the gist would always come down to:

a) Is it somewhat contrary to established policy/precedent.


b) It causes me/my property harm in some way.

As I said, I don't think such arguments are likely, but I can envision both 'sincere' use of them by some; and also attempted 'shakedowns' to get something out of dropping an appeal.
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Will be at Planning and Housing Committee on Oct. 26th at 9:30 AM -

Latest housing tracking report to CreateTO has this one 'on schedule' for Sept '24.........and..... wait a minute........... hold on............

Praise be! CMHC has approved the financing here!


From: https://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2024/ra/bgrd/backgroundfile-244844.pdf

* Edit to add *

No permits applied for yet...........if they want permits hand by September those need to be in to the City ASAP.
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Site Plan..........submitted, May '24.

View attachment 574168

View attachment 574169
For the record, personally I will probably NEVER get-over the Institutional-Insanity of that "HERITAGE" building designation -- the giant step-back from the street that it forced upon this entire site... and the costs, delays and encumbrances that our City Hall's unexplainable "Adoration of 70-year-old Bricks" added to the delivery of this new Indigenous Seniors Affordable Housing project over the last 5 1/2 years.

City Planning PDF - https://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2019/pb/bgrd/backgroundfile-139598.pdf






For the record, personally I will probably NEVER get-over the Institutional-Insanity of that "HERITAGE" building designation -- the giant step-back from the street that it forced upon this entire site... and the costs, delays and encumbrances that our City Hall's unexplainable "Adoration of 70-year-old Bricks" added to the delivery of this new Indigenous Seniors Affordable Housing project over the last 5 1/2 years.

City Planning PDF - https://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/mmis/2019/pb/bgrd/backgroundfile-139598.pdf

View attachment 574172

While I would likely value some heritage preservation more than yourself; we're in complete agreement on this particular building, which insofar as I am concerned isn't a treasure in need of saving, and its preservation here produces, to me, no discernible benefit to anyone, except maybe ERA.
