Via post to local Facebook group:

Topic Online Community Meeting: 1423-1437 Bloor Street West & 278 Sterling Road

Description You're invited to an Online Community Meeting about a proposed development at 1423-1437 Bloor Street West and 278 Sterling Road.

KingSett Capital is excited to hear your thoughts about our proposal to reimagine the site as a new 17-storey (+ rooftop amenity) mixed-use development including:
- Residential uses
- Commercial space at the ground floor level along Bloor Street West
- New community space uses at the ground floor level
- New publicly accessible open space

There will be a short presentation by members of the Project Team followed by a Question & Answer session. Deputy Mayor Ana Bailão and City Planning Staff will be in attendance.

A planning application has not yet been submitted to the City of Toronto for their review; we are looking forward to doing so in the coming weeks. Please note that there will be future opportunities for consultation with the community as the project progresses through the City's formal application process.

Any questions or comments ahead of the meeting?

Feel free to get in touch with us at: consultation@bousfields.ca (Subject Line: 1425 Bloor St W)
Jan 27, 2021 07:00 PM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)

The description sounds great so far, looking forward to what's being planned here.
More slides from the presentation below. I wasn't able to stay around for the questions, but caught most of the opening presentation.

Very much like and appreciate the warm brick precast and solid materiality.

The full stretch along Bloor is retail, which I'm glad for particularly in contrast to so many of the other buildings both existing and proposed along Bloor between the two railway lines that completely disregard the street or are overtly hostile. However I do wish the ground floor wasn't just the standard anonymizing glass. Would be great to just bring some of that precast down to ground level for differentiation and nice street materiality.

There's a community centre space proposed (note, disclaimer: this isn't an official proposal yet) on Perth next to a POPS — it doesn't look like either will be super big, but both are welcome, in particular the community centre. Hopefully that makes its way through to the final development.

Sad about losing some trees on site, but hopefully all the new ones on site grow successfully!

Altogether pretty happy with this development in terms of materiality and attention paid to engaging with and animating the street.





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Very handsome building and the street level looks vastly better than what's there now. Love when developers incorporate more brick/masonry into their projects.
I hope other developers hoping to build in this area take note of how easy it is to please people with simple design choices and small enhancements to the community. Other than squeezing every last dollar out of a development, I don't understand why developers build so much animosity with residents by proposing projects that don't consider the many uses of the land. Just animating the street with some retail, a modest setback, and a handsome podium suffices for me. The community centre is just gravy.

Fingers crossed that Brad Lamb takes notice and changes his plan, if only to shake some of the bad publicity he's generated with the recent evictions at his site.
New renderings are updated in the database! The overall building height increased from 63.84m to 65.05m. The overall total storey count remained at 18 storeys. The total unit count decreased from 204 units to 197 units. The total parking count dropped from 65 parking spaces to 64 parking spaces.

The renderings are taken from the architectural plan via rezoning submission:

PLN - Architectural Plans - JAN 26  2022-3.jpg

PLN - Architectural Plans - JAN 26  2022-2.jpg

PLN - Architectural Plans - JAN 26  2022-4.jpg
