Haha, you talk heritage like they're something great, sure it's heritage but just blah
It's not like anything built beside or over top is going to make them less attractive

I almost couldn't disagree more with the sentiment that rounds off this post.

This podium is garbage, IMHO, plain and simple, and making the heritage buildings less attractive is precisely what it does. And it's not because it's a modern building "plopped down" on a heritage structure is inherently problematic -- there are plenty of examples of that done effectively. Unrefined design is unrefined design regardless of the age of the structure on which it rests.
Honesty, this is just another plain, unattractive, waste-of-space condo building. Really hope it won't pass city and OMB.

As if Pearl, King & Adelaide are not gridlock enough...
This building need a total redesign.
If they want a glass tower, they should first decrease the size of the balconies,that will make the tower less vulgar.
Secondly ,a better cladding like Delta or L tower can help the building appearance too.
If they want something different,they should change the color and be inspired by Mississauga architecture.
I would be glad to see something like M City in downtown Toronto. If they lack inspiration,they can see 1 Bloor,Massey tower,Harbour Plaza,1 Yorkville or 1 Yonge.
These tower are not full glass tower and they are very pretty.
Honestly,they have no excuse to draw a so pathetic building.
No, they don't need to visit Mississauga for inspiration. That could result in the whole site being cleared for a large glass podium with some gimmicky tower design thrown on top.

M City? You have the vastly superior Absolute just down the road if it's about attention grabbing architecture.

The heritage warehouses should remain as warehouses. At most, two separate,setbacked glass storeys could be added to each building. A slim tower (ex. Theatre Park) could be built on the vacant lot. Alas, this is a density grab because they paid too much.
Yea, you DO NOT want Mississauga architecture.. You wouldn't even apply that to the site, as stated by the above poster. MCC doesn't really have a heritage building that could be redeveloped into a larger scale redevelopment like this for a long time if ever. As also said before, Mississauga has a strange history with condo projects that aren't really as great as advertised. Sure, people give the Absolute Towers praise, but it's not far from a masterplan-styled development like M City or Parkside Village.

A large problem I find with Absolute is the apparent lack of street interaction, especially on Absolute Ave, even on the Hurontario and Burnamthorpe sides. The mini plaza is alright and all at Hurontario and Burnamthorpe, but it's never as grand and welcoming as you may think after a few minutes. Sure it has that horse thing, but it's just lacking space. The retail along Hurontario is okay, but the sheer glass wall does no favours for Hurontario, and on Burnamthorpe the townhouse treatment is reminiscent off of Eglinton Ave townhouses, with even larger setbacks. Also, the first three towers aren't exactly the most well off in terms of design and their juxtaposition on their site.

I must say PSV is doing well for a masterplanned site, except maybe for the continuous use of glass (although the design changes bit by bit). The retail is doing well for the nearby street, and once fully built out it should be a fairly populated/vibrant area. My only issues with the masterplan is that unlike Daniels' masterplan, it doesn't seem to really stray away from the use of glass. As for M City, it should be a well built masterplan, and shows good signs of being well ingrained into the city later on.

Now keep in mind, one other condo project, the Edge Towers, is honestly not a greatly planned plot-by-plot development as pointed out by others , partly due to the podium's and how they take up a large portion of the site, and how the developer is trying to build in the daycare facility.

I'll admit, I may be a bit too critical on some development in Mississauga, but I'm just thinking that later on, some of these masterplans and their design's wont be helping the MCC for the long run.
From Joe Cressy's website:

150-158 Pearl Street & 15 Duncan Street – Rezoning application meeting

Date: Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Time: 6:30 pm
Location: Metro Hall, Room 310
I can't imagine how four tall buildings could fit together in the tiny little block (19 Duncan, 150 Pearl, 217 Adelaide, 100 Simcoe). If all four, or even 3 of 4 get approved it would be a nightmare for the future residents in these buildings as well as the very nearby projects like Theatre Park and Mirvish+Gehry. Plus the preliminary design for these applications were so badly looking... I mean 2 well-designed buildings in the block would be ideal.
