Excerpt from Councillor Ana Bailao's newsletter email:

1500 St. Clair Avenue West Community Benefits Secured

This development proposal came to Council through Toronto and East York Community Council and I worked to ensure that we received significant community benefits. Working with the Land Trust created as a result of the development planning process at the Bloor/Dufferin site we were able to secure 40 affordable housing units for this Land Trust. There will also be a public piazza at the entrance of the development and funds will be in place to expand parks in the area of the Oakwood-St. Clair Parkland Study. Further details can be found at this link.

Further details on the Oakwood-St. Clair Parkland study can be found at this link.

The joint venture is the second for Distrikt and Alterra after they first joined forces in March 2021 to develop an assembled three-acre site at 1500 to 1536 St. Clair Ave. W. near Caledonia Road in midtown Toronto.

That proposed 752-unit development received final zoning approval this week and Cooper expects sales to launch sometime next year.
From Sweeny &Co's IG:

I was driving at night so no pics, but there's now hoarding surrounding part of the site along St. Clair with some marketing messages on it.

Minor Variance application requesting the following stat changes:
  • Storey counts reclassified from 17 & 15 to 18 & 16-storeys
  • Heights increased from 63.7 & 51.1m to 64.9 & 55.45m
  • Total residential units increased from 752 to 767
  • Total vehicular parking decreased from 320 to 285
Updated perspective:
Superseded PLN-CA Plans - Architectural Plans_1500 St.Clair_AveW-43.jpg

CoA hearing scheduled for July 31

Minor Variance application requesting the following stat changes:
  • Storey counts reclassified from 17 & 15 to 18 & 16-storeys
  • Heights increased from 63.7 & 51.1m to 64.9 & 55.45m
  • Total residential units increased from 752 to 767
  • Total vehicular parking decreased from 320 to 285
Updated perspective:
View attachment 581739

CoA hearing scheduled for July 31

Approved with condition (Metrolinx noise & vibration warning clause)

SPA resubmission with the following changes:
  • Storeys reclassified as 17 & 15
  • Heights changed from 64.9 & 55.45 to 64.75 & 58.4m
  • Residential units decreased from 767 to 766
  • Bicycle parking increased from 770 to 778
  • Vehicular parking increased from 285 to 411
  • Additional technical & landscape revisions
...looks like some parts for this proposal are entirely made up of balconies, goodness.

Spoiler: I am pretty sure it's not going to look that way when it gets built. >.<
