UT article:



This looks absolutely wonderful, and will elevate this area so much. I am looking forward to this and some of the other projects on that western portion of St. Clair West - it's turning out to be such an interesting and wonderful area design wise. Personally, I think Reunion Crossing, Carlyle Junction, Stockyards District, this building and 1745 St. Clair look really good. Can't wait to see what this strip looks like in 5 years!
Alterra has registered to lobby on this one.

(surprised that didn't happen sooner)

Details for Subject Matter Registration: SM32919​

Pursuing development approvals and building permits of 20 Caledonia Road and 1500 St Clair Ave


In addition to the above reference, the category includes both Planning/Development and Affordable Housing. Not sure if that's material here, but certainly worth watching.


I reviewed the docs, no SPA filing and no new docs since June under the existing filing.
Since only 40% of a residential building exterior can now be glass, someone explain to me how the render is going to be built.
Since the rule change came into effect, Toronto has been getting much worst looking buildings in my opinion.
There are no new rendering changes in the database. The following info is changed!

The total building height changed from 63.70m & 51.10m to 64.90m & 55.0m. The building storey count still remains at 17 & 15 storeys. The total unit count did change from 753 units to 752 units. Finally, the total parking count was reduced from 332 parking spaces to 320 parking spaces.
A Member Motion to today's City Council meeting seeks to permit/instruct staff to pursue off-site parkland acquisition in relation to this development.

Is it just me or is that a very fast timeline to get a recommendation report?

11 months, roughly, from the date of initial submission.

What says the room, about 1/2 the normal time?
