Condo Chads armed with songs and dance about how great the building stands in the sunshine, meanwhile my plants droop in the shadowy darkness of Leslieville, eaten off by the community raccoons. Tenk yew
Condo Chads armed with songs and dance about how great the building stands in the sunshine, meanwhile my plants droop in the shadowy darkness of Leslieville, eaten off by the community raccoons. Tenk yew
It's heartening to hear that the raccoons have such a sense of community.
Disheartening that these developers do not. At one point the back of the property at 153 Logan Avenue was home to a bicycle stuck in a maple tree and that's where most of the raccoons used to nest but it seems that tree was taken down to clear the way for parking behind there. They should make it a thru way and help improve the traffic in the area. Seriously speaking though most of the people who have given feedback on this thread all agree that the area needs improvement, whether it be roads, housing, or employment.
