20 January 2009 photo update

915AM today:



UT-ites you gotta check out Yorkville park's waterfall:
thx for all the updates today, UD!
It looks so funny now, with the construction site on top of a worling buiding. That was one epic picture. The waterfall looks amazing, I loov the different shapes ize makes while freezing.

edit: Oh...My...God...would you look at all those spelling mistakes!! I didn't even notice that before!:eek:
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Man thats ugly with solid concrete side walls,it needs more than a facade to make it look half decent.Who in their right of mind aproved this Pigeon Coup.:eek:
It's not finished ...

Let's give it a chance and see what they use to clad it with.
They've just started cladding the east side of the building. By itself, it's a nice looking stone but I'm not sure it's going to go well with the rest of the building.



at certain angles, this project looks just outrageous (-in a good way).....like in urbandreamer's pic above....nice shot...

thx for all the updates today UD...
March 15th Update

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