Again, focusing on the natural hazard aspect (what I can speak to).


First things first, I am not part of the City or TRCA so I could be wrong. But I would expect the City takes the TRCA's advice, with little to nothing overtop. I don't believe it's reasonable to expect the City to provide commentary on top of the TRCA's analysis.

Second, It seems the applicant is asserting that it is not within the erosion hazard. That's a valid argument to make, with justification. But again, the impression I got from the documents is that even if they said "per TRCA", they showed the slopes on either side of St Dennis Drive (i.e. north of the "paleo terrace") as being in the broader erosion hazard.

Untitled 4.png

The letter says the opposite. So if that's the argument you're making, revise your documents. You can't break up the hazard like this, you're either in or out of the overall hazard. Pick a lane. The applicant needs to revise their argument and justify to the TRCA that Slopes 2 and 3 are not part of the overall hazard lands.

Again, I'm not an engineer, and I'm not TRCA judging the policy adherence here. But again, it strikes me they "received this comment from TRCA", but got nothing from the City, and it's up to the City/TRCA to produce a technical report refuting their findings. I don't think that's how it works. I believe it's up to the applicant to do the studies to satisfy. And as I outlined above, no additional work is really needed, it's a disagreement over policy / definitions and the legal team's assertions conflicting with what the studies suggest.
CMC was conducted in March, Merit hearing is scheduled for March 31st, 2025.

TRCA was given party status, along with the ABC residents association. Yes, the one from Yorkville. 🤨

On that point:







Look at the hearing length, don't see this all that often:


The issues list for the City is really too long to bring over (more than 25 points); the TRCA's list is more concise and clearly focused on whether these lands are appropriate/safe for development at all.

ABC's list is curious...........and seems very focused on golf???

ABCRA can take a hike.

Looking at TRCA's issues, I'm very interested to see the outcome of the deliberations. There will be due weight given natural hazards are of provincial interest. As stated before, it will likely be a matter of interpretation of the extent of the slope hazard, and where it stops / (re)starts.

That said, a huge change that happened effective April 1, 2024 is that conservation authority (CA) mandates got refined. CAs can no longer consider impacts of "pollution" or "conservation of land" in their decisions. It's all focused on whether something impacts flooding, erosion, and risk to life / property.

Whether or not that will apply given this was filed before the change happened...¯\_(ツ)_/¯
