Of course we get more average looking towers than ones that stand out. Pretty much every city does. The only places that wouldn't be the case is where only the richest can afford the buildings. Anywhere that the middle class (young urban professionals, etc.) are living in them too, you're going to get more average ones than landmarks. Affordability will always demand that.

Nevertheless, always push for better where you have the opportunity.

They changed the hoarding today from that (imo horrible) kids mural to this alterra one

The website for this project is http://www.159sw.com/, where sw stands for Sherbourne and Wellesley.

The website for this project is http://www.159sw.com/, where sw stands for Sherbourne and Wellesley.


That "Promotional Video" is the worst thing I have ever seen. It's almost fraudulent.

Shots of girl walking around neighborhoods that are not Sherbourne and Wellesley.

"Hey, meet me at The Drake for a drink!"

I am assuming it is parody? I mean, I know it's not, but I need it to be.
I saw the promotional video on their (awful) website (which my virus scanner kept saying contained malicious code).
Promotional ad clearly designed to attract attention from the children of China's wealthy (who would then arguably get their parents to purchase the property for them). It'll probably work too.
Not a bad looking project. Apparently it's over 80% sold and construction should get started in June. A good amount of investors purchased here.
The architectural plans filed with the City have the roof of the mechanical penthouse at 112.12m, but then there's a parapet wall around that of about 2m, so I'm entering 374 feet into the dBase file, which will translate to 114 metres for the thread title.

