Sorry, there's nowhere near enough retail space in this building for a Canadian Tire.hope is canadian tire
Formally, an amendment to change to a partial closure of York Street now instead of full. More interestingly, includes construction schedule of January 8, 2019 to February 27, 2020.
Even partially closing down York will be a new nightmare for this city. The fact that this is all to build a pseudo-PATH connection that will basically only serve ICE condo residents and 16 York employees at lunch, is even worse. If this was actually a "key objective" first identified in 1996, you'd think it would be better designed to fit into the larger system.
Like I've said in other posts, yes, the PATH is very poorly designed down here bumping up and down and back, and the York Street closure should have been timed to occur during the Gardiner rebuild in the area when fewer people were avoiding the street anyway.
It's all a bad idea.