except this started 2 years later
On a wide-open site with construction staging areas and a less complex structural system and no off-site dedication and a smaller heritage component and many other factors you willfully ignore when you constantly take shots at The One
On a wide-open site with construction staging areas and a less complex structural system and no off-site dedication and a smaller heritage component and many other factors you willfully ignore when you constantly take shots at The One
Having financing, development experience and construction permits also helps.
Really, you're comparing a CF bank tower to a Mizrahi residential? Even if the latter had all the, "...financing, development experience and construction permits...", they would still be no match to something like CF. But I think you know that already...
This building reminds me of how many creative shapes there actually are for buildings, It kinda looks like the cousin of the walkie talkie from London. Would love to see more unique designs in our city.
Those creative shapes are not by choice.

It was forced on developers to keep the View from Tower of London to St.Paul cathedral uninterrupted.
Those creative shapes are not by choice.

It was forced on developers to keep the View from Tower of London to St.Paul cathedral uninterrupted.
Yeah I was watching a video about the development in London and it's great to see how all the buildings complement their surroundings and work fantastically together, we need more of that. I especially love the Gherkin's design, it's more efficient than a normal skyscraper as well.
This building reminds me of how many creative shapes there actually are for buildings, It kinda looks like the cousin of the walkie talkie from London. Would love to see more unique designs in our city.

Interesting that you reference 20 Fenchurch Street, perhaps the most despised design in London, winner of the Carbuncle Cup and the butt of jokes and critical derision worldwide (the worst critique was something to do with resembling a feminine hygiene product). But it is a legitimate "building superhero" capable of melting cars ;)
I like the north and the south face of this building. It will look nice modern when we will look the building from these angles. But the west and east part of the building will be gross because of the holes in each side. The holes take off a huge part of grace of the skyscraper. Without these holes, it would have been an extraordinary looking building. I know it too late to see them removed. I hope the TD's logo will partially offset a part of the ugliness of the holes. I hope it will turn out better than the rendering because this building will have a huge impact on Toronto 's skyline. Don't worry folks, I will not comment every buildings like that.
I like the north and the south face of this building. It will look nice modern when we will look the building from these angles. But the west and east part of the building will be gross because of the holes in each side. The holes take off a huge part of grace of the skyscraper. Without these holes, it would have been an extraordinary looking building. I know it too late to see them removed. I hope the TD's logo will partially offset a part of the ugliness of the holes. I hope it will turn out better than the rendering because this building will have a huge impact on Toronto 's skyline. Don't worry folks, I will not comment every buildings like that.

It's hard to say how those holes will turn out. Time will tell. I agree with you the north and south side will look awesome. East/West.....the jury is still out. It will either look pretty weird, or awesome. Depends how its executed.
Maybe Stephen King will be inspired by the "mouths" to write a sequel called "Flesh-Eating Skyscraper".


