This might be a little off to ask this question at this point . But does anyone know what kind of colored glass they'll be using for this building . Will the glass windows be clear or mirrored etc ? Somehow I get the deep mirrored look like at 130 Adelaide West building .
by the renders it looks like they will be using the Brookfield place Calgary kinda glass. but it's just renders we cant say anything yet.
by the renders it looks like they will be using the Brookfield place Calgary kinda glass. but it's just renders we cant say anything yet.
I was looking at Brookfield Place in Calgary and it has some blue in it. But looking at the urban Toronto database of the 160 Front Street West building. It shows the building having silver metallic mirrored look to it. Showing the reflection of the building underneath it . And you can also see the RBC Building behind it a with Blue green look. So I guess I can rule out the blue green look but there could be some blue color in this one.
I think it would be a cooler affect if on the East Side you had a sign built into the curve, so if you looked down from a plane you could see it all lit up, maybe that would be the lighting feature as well.
I don't know why they wouldn't just put the signage on that one sloping face slightly lower on a more vertical surface- maybe right above the opening.

IMO building a structure out to hold signage ruins the roofline, and improperly elevates the prominence of signage when it should always be a secondary element to the architecture itself (unless integrated into the design from the start).
It's definitely demolishion equipment from Priestly.

As for bringing the building down I don't think that's the case. I'm pretty sure only a portion will be coming down.
