Would love to see some towers in Toronto go balls to the walls on the lighting like this African city.
But sadly, the city would never approve such lighting.

I believe this is the new Capitol city being built in Egypt (Southeast?) of Cairo.

Really cool lighting.
With something like this and similar to Dubai, it would only really work well if we had a building that was a main focal point. Gathering space for events etc. Toronto City Hall type area Nathan Phillps Square. The CN Tower would be that building, but it doesn't have the girth to support great visuals like these. Maybe one day we will.
Personally I'd rather not see many excessively lit buildings, if anything we should be striving to reduce light pollution. Save it for a handful of important buildings; i.e. prominent historic buildings, CN Tower. We've got this one now with its goofy Hong Kong-esque lights, one or two are fine to jazz up the skyline a bit, but I would not strive to emulate the example above; especially considering some of them look like residential buildings.
Have they tested the big screens up top yet? I know it'll probably just be a TD logo most of the time but Im interested to see what else they can do with it.

Also, maybe contrary opinion, I really like how flashy it is at night. I think we need more buildings with interesting crowns at night
