Old design on the application board?


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I prefered the original design, but the Urban Toronto folks wanted something that "fit the neighbourhood" and now you got it.
^^ Does Urban Toronto really have that much influence on building design in Toronto?! If so, a whole bunch of members should be banned immediately. LOL
Spadina is definitely mixed-use with a lot of commercial activity happening. The diversity is impressive and it shows on its vibrant sidewalks. The only question is what's the term for these kinds of streets in Toronto and other cities? Sometimes they're called commercial streets, but that fails to acknowledge the diversity of activity and the mix of uses happening. "Main street" sounds more appropriate for a small town, and "high street" is the UK equivalent.

Spadina looks too messy. If you look closely, most of the buildings are very nice looking, and share some consistency in terms of style, just aren't in great shape, which makes the street look a bit rundown. It can look a lot better with some TLC. Some of the crazy signs (red, yellow, all sorts of color) should be cleaned up a little bit. There are too all over the place right now.

As to the Dundas-college stretch, I don't think Chinatown should mean dirty and chaotic by default. It doesn't really represent anything China in the 21 century. More like a China stuck in the 1980s. Putting $10 for 5 Tshirts all over the side walk really doesn't add any charm or character on the street.
I wonder how long before 58/64 Spadina is demolished for some of the same.

I find the Winners on the other side looks out of place. Too short, too suburban like. I do like Winner, but just not that building at that intersection. The gas station south of it needs to go too. Not at King/Spadina.
I find the Winners on the other side looks out of place. Too short, too suburban like. I do like Winner, but just not that building at that intersection. The gas station south of it needs to go too. Not at King/Spadina.

I dont know, there are many issues regarding heights of proposed buildings down there, due to the City of Toronto official plan and the shadowing of the nearby park
But now with the Globe proposing a 19 storey office building (which sure wont be less than 90 meters in height) it puts a spin on anything that is proposed in that vicinity, and most likely will set a precedent.......i think the s/e corner parking lot at Spadina and Front also has a 70-75 meter height limit and drops shorter as you go northwards
It would be nice to see one of the gas stations incorporated into a future development (have seen it in Manhattan ,where gas bar occupies part of first floor)
