Characteristically excellent analysis, there, CDL!

I know, interchange! It's bizarre... if she isn't even good for the NIMBYs who elected her, who is she good for?
I second CDL's recommendation of the Bagel House.

Six floors is perfect for the area. How high was the one going into the failed St-Hubert/office of failure Joe Volpe? That I remember had North Torontonians at the barricades.

The article makes a good point about the McMansions going up on the old bungalow lots. This helps reduce density, and most of the stucco-clad new or supersized renos look crass. There's a whole bunch of these on the east side of Glencarin Station too.

NIMBYs in glass houses....

Good to see Miller supporting this one, even if most of his allies didn't.
A friend of a friend bought some residential property on Lawrence near Yonge St. 15 or 20 years, hoping to turn it into commercial property and make a mint developing, renting or reselling it. It's obvious that the corridor near Yonge St should be either commercial or at least allow mixed use, right? Apparently not - it's still zoned residential, and I'm assuming for similar NIMBY reasons.
Are you suggesting that Lawrence E + W of Yonge ought to evolve like Finch E and W of Yonge?

It's at times like this that I wonder how anti-Crombie UT would be had it existed in 1972...
I'm looking forward to the report in the Post four years from now that revisits all of the neighbourhood residents who were quoted as against the plan, who will now be reporting on what foolish alarmists they must have sounded like back then, and that the finished building now suits them just fine ...

...and in the meantime, now that this building has a name, I am renaming the thread in accordance, and moving it to P&C.

I agree this is very suitable for this part of the city... As the city plan rightly indicates, Toronto needs to increase density on its main arteries! Full speed ahead...
This looks pretty decent to me, at least in terms of massing. I'm sure they'll be able to replicate the Blockbuster and LCBO in the new building. This hardly looks like a high rise.
I see nothing too wrong with that neighbourhood-murdering, emotion-inducing, child-killing development that will rob the area of its grace and charm. So long as it doesn't alter the taste of the bagels.
Ultra NIMBYism indeed... 6 floors!!!??? What will be next?

Having gone to school in that neighbourhood for almost 5 years, I can say that this doesn't strike me as odd about that neighborhood's attitude about things. To make a broad sweeping generalization, they act more upper class then their neighbors north of them on Bayview. And that is saying alot!:eek:
