Space set aside for at least a coffee shop - someone's actually thinking! Such small gestures are how you slowly urbanize a main street that has no history of it.

Hmm,.... prior to demolition, this site was a bit of a community hub since it hosted a convenience store, a popular local Home Hardware store with busy garden centre and pizza or burger joint. To me, replacing that diversity of retail with a coffee shop would be considered a step backward!

Oh and that TruLife Development rendering that was recently posted,.... is at least 2 years old and was already posted here in Post #3 - it was used by Avondale to market the site for sale; new owner/developers are EastWay

There is currently no active development proposal for this site. As for the Coffee shop,.... somebody owes me a coffee!
Hmm,.... prior to demolition, this site was a bit of a community hub since it hosted a convenience store, a popular local Home Hardware store with busy garden centre and pizza or burger joint. To me, replacing that diversity of retail with a coffee shop would be considered a step backward!

Oh and that TruLife Development rendering that was recently posted,.... is at least 2 years old and was already posted here in Post #3 - it was used by Avondale to market the site for sale; new owner/developers are EastWay

There is currently no active development proposal for this site. As for the Coffee shop,.... somebody owes me a coffee!

I wasn't aware of the previous uses on the site - I just assumed a row of crappy 50's bungalows had been demolished.
Trulife Development's VP of sales and marketing makes reference to this site in the following new article.

They're proposing "a mixed-use, 110-unit luxury stacked townhouse development".

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St.Antoine Daniel Catholic School - directly east of this site - which is about 50 years old with 10 portables will be under going a 2-storey rebuild with capacity of 510 students soon. Should start construction in Spring 2021 (after school year) and target to be completed by September 2022 (school start) but promise by end of 2022 and cost about $11.7million.
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In the current plans the school property remains the same.

Since EastWay International owns all the land-assembled property directly west of the school site, I floated the idea of a land swap - trading Eastway's northern half for school's southern half which might be mutually beneficial for both parties (black line would represent boundary of Central Finch West Secondary Plan):
View attachment 229095
- EastWay International will get School's southern half along Finch which is within Central Finch West Secondary Plan and allows for 3-4 storey townhouses - more height & density than their northern half along Hendon Ave where zoning only allows for single residential houses.
- Since Eastway International would end up with the more valuable land along Finch Ave West - they should also make a monetary payment to school - would this be enough to cover cost of adding another floor or addition to new school for additional capacity - schools around North York Centre here could always use more capacity! This would benefit the school system.
- Another benefit for School is, construction of new school in northern part of Eastway current land will allow current school to remain in operation throughout the construction period, once new school is completed, old school closes and next day student just show up at new school to the north! VS current proposal where current school is closed & demolished and students bused to other school during construction period.

This would avoid a repeat of the Avondale School rebuild fiasco where 1 year closure for rebuild became 3.5 years of construction where students were bused out to another school - 1 of those years was just waiting for building permits!!! Also delay due to labour issues and strike as Contractor wasn't paying their subcontractors. Cost escalated from original $11.5million to more than double at around $24million - originally 2-storey with option for 3rd storey later but after realizing new 2-storey elementary school for 550 student capacity will open with portables, Province agreed to add 3rd storey during construction.
Just posting to leave a link here for the St Antoine Daniel Catholic School thread, which is here.

Official Plan and Zoning By-Law Amendment application to permit a residential development containing mid-rise buildings, low rise buildings and townhouses. See building breakdown below: - Block A - an 11 storey mixed use apartment fronting onto Finch Avenue West with 222 residential units, 426 sq,m, of retail and a maximum height of 38m. - Block B - a 6 storey apartment building with frontage onto Grantbrook Street with 96 units and a maximum height of 23m. - Block C - 4 storey walkup apartment building with frontage onto Grantbrook Street with 55 units and a maximum height of 16m. - Block D - 4 storey walkup apartment building with frontage onto the proposed new public road with 55 units and a maximum height of 16m - Block E - 4 storey walkup apartment building with frontage onto Hendon Avenue with 55 units and a maximum height of 16m. - Block F - 3 storey townhouses with frontage onto the new public road with 6 units and a maximum height of 12m. - Block G - 3 storey townhouses with frontage onto the new public road with 6 units and a maximum height of 12m. - Block H - relocated heritage building with adjacent outdoor amenity space. For a total of 496 residential units, with a maximum density of 2.34 FSI. A total of 522 vehicular parking spaces are proposed, of which 457 spaces are located within the underground parking garage, 41 spaces are located on the surface, and 24 spaces have been allocated for the townhouses within driveways and garages.

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This is from a Rookie Councillor trying to "crowdsource" the objection.

Here, basically all of the Written Statements generated would have been screened-out/eliminated by the Appellant's (Developer) Lawyer at Case Management Conference / Pre-Merit Hearing. Why? Simply because they have no involvement with this case previously!

At Case Management Conference / Pre-Merit Hearing of OMB/OLT/TLAB/LPAT appeals,... they need to determine who is Party, Participant to the Appeal and what evidence, letters, objections, etc,.. to consider,... the Appellant / Developer's lawyer can and will rule out anything and everything from people who have no previous involvement in the case! This usually include elimination of Property Owner within the 60m/120m radius who are on Notification List but have never previously voiced any concerns via Community Consultation, Letter of Objection & Deputations! Even non-incorporated Ratepayer Groups could be screened-out.

Thus, these "Written Statements" being crowdsourced by the Rookie-Councillor will be eliminated - unless the individual was previously involved, in which case, they would have already received formal notification of the OMB/OLT/TLAB/LPAT appeal!
9 days from the CMC meeting a shame that this strip mall has been destroyed for the past 15 years. Empty land works for nobody, there could easily be 100 families and retail in this space today.

From the original Land-Assembly 15 years ago, the purpose was never to provide housing,... the main objective of this site has been for Investors to Land-Assemble - Flip, Land-Assemble - Flip, Repeat,.. to launder money from overseas,... and at that, they've been quite successful.
There are new information updates to the database. The total unit count was reduced from 495 units to 427 units. Finally, total car parking was reduced from 522 car parking to 372 parking.

Information are taken from the architectural plan via rezoning.
