Huh. Well, that's certainly something.

It's definitely interesting, but awkward. I'd like to see more renderings from different angles, but the way certain corners and the roofline resolve feel really odd.
Teeple's work enlivens our built form from the monotony of glass boxes. This project looks quite promising. The side street facade has the great fold, but it looks like Teeple was not quite certain about what to do with the windows on that facade. I wonder what the cladding will be. Brutalist concrete is probably tempting to the architect, but it'll look sterile and won't be that popular. Polished titanium could look amazing.
Preliminary Report - Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Application - 176, 178 and 180 Sheppard Avenue East

(Deferred from October 17, 2013 - 2013.NY27.17) (Deferred from September 10, 2013 - 2013.NY26.43) [at the request of Councillor Filion]

This application proposes a 7 storey mixed use building with 22 residential units and ground floor commercial uses at 176, 178 and 180 Sheppard Ave East.

This report provides preliminary information on the above-noted application and seeks Community Council's directions on further processing of the applications and the community consultation process.

It is anticipated that a community consultation meeting could be held in the fall of 2013 with a target date for a statutory Public Meeting in early 2014 assuming that the applicant will provide all required information in a timely manner.
I'm surprised Filion is so opposed to the density of this that he won't let it even get past the preliminary stage. That said the secondary plan for the area is idiotic considering there's a subway underneath the street.
Awesome design, reminds me of Origami on Bathurst, but someone should lose their job over the name.

The name loosely relates to the optical shop that's used to reside on the site. I think it is rather weak and the design has nothing to do with it, and lastly I am personally against condos with silly names.

The rendering is kind of weird. The ground floor has windows that only go up waist-high, and appears that the really tall peaked portion of the building is the mechanical penthouse which is a shame. Is the dark gray glass building part of the development? If so, it looks very disjointed.
I like that it's not your typical glass box, but I think the design still has a ways to go.
It doesn't look as refined and cohesive as Origami Lofts.
See latest article in the Bayview Post. It seems like Filion is making this personal and not thinking of the greater good of his constituents or city. Without deep pockets to fight at the OMB, the owner is at the mercy of this 'out of touch' councilor. The city needs to have the ability to trump the personal opinions of one councilor, who clearly has no knowledge of city building.
I love the design, it really defines the corner well, and I like that it's not a simple box/rectangular design.
I'd love a building like that in my neighbourhood.
Please read Bayview Post March to see the progress of the Monocle and Mr Filion's discriptive words for the project. For those who want to see progress and some sensible improvement in your Sheppard Ave E community please respond to Mr Filion
I take it Filon is supportive of the sheppard subway? Well my god is he useless than. can't have a subway without the density, sorry buddy. The neighborhood got this for themselves a decade ago, you can't complain any more.
Please read Bayview Post March to see the progress of the Monocle and Mr Filion's discriptive words for the project. For those who want to see progress and some sensible improvement in your Sheppard Ave E community please respond to Mr Filion

The Post magazines and residents associations almost always oppose almost every development or change. It almost always tends to be an older demographic as mentioned in that article.

If you go to any public meeting for a development, you'll see that some people have valid concerns, but others are simply angry about any change or growth in the city and hate big cities and tall buildings in general. They often have fears that large groups of young & single people will move into their neighbourhoods, and that it will become more vibrant and busy, things I consider to be positive.

For those who want to email their councillor and planning staff in support of a given development, it usually has to be someone who actually lives in that ward for the email to have persuasive value. If you say anything positive about a development at a public meeting, you will likely get a lot of angry looks, and might even be shouted at angrily lol. Good luck to the residents of this neighbourhood!
what a waste of location for only 7s on the sheppard subway line but I guess the development lot won't support higher density ?

Preliminary Report - Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Application - 176, 178 and 180 Sheppard Avenue East

(Deferred from October 17, 2013 - 2013.NY27.17) (Deferred from September 10, 2013 - 2013.NY26.43) [at the request of Councillor Filion]

This application proposes a 7 storey mixed use building with 22 residential units and ground floor commercial uses at 176, 178 and 180 Sheppard Ave East.

This report provides preliminary information on the above-noted application and seeks Community Council's directions on further processing of the applications and the community consultation process.

It is anticipated that a community consultation meeting could be held in the fall of 2013 with a target date for a statutory Public Meeting in early 2014 assuming that the applicant will provide all required information in a timely manner.
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