but nothing stops them from stashing it in the coffers for a rainy day

This part does literally exactly that:

c) In the event the cash contributions referred to in Recommendation 5.a) has not been used for the intended purposes within three (3) years of the By-laws coming into full force and effect, the cash contribution may be redirected for another purpose, at the discretion of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division, in consultation with the Ward Councillor, provided that the purpose is identified in the Toronto Official Plan and will benefit the community in Ward 13; and
It's not nuts at all. KWT will likely funnel the bulk into affordable housing, with whatever remainder going to streetscape improvements. I'm not worried about how she'll decide between the two options before her.


I agree, though, in fairness, this is among the largest section 37 sums I've ever seen; it is certainly much different in scale than what a mid-sized condo would bring.

While I don't doubt KWT will spend this sensibly, I can imagine having my doubts about some other councillors.

Also I'm not a sure that a benefit this large ought not be shared beyond the immediate ward; something current rules are not set up to achieve.
It's not exactly unrestricted spending; there are a ton of rules as to what section 37 funds can be applied to. Basically boils down to spending on public parks within a certain radius of the project.

So yeah, the councillor will get to choose which of the projects that planning puts forward gets built. Of course, one of the reasons for large value of banked section 37 funds is planning hasn't had any ideas for projects that might qualify.
Agreed, the problem is not really that Planning does not know what qualifies but that there is no point fixing up streetscapes before Hydro, Water etc have done whatever THEY have to do and their projects are repeatedly postponed. Pam McConnell was very good at using s 37 $$$ quickly by spending them on projects that were 'shovel ready' and used to report to the neighbourhood associations (at least in St Lawrence) on how they were being used. (The promised streetscape project on Wellington East that may be starting in 2020 was originally supposed to occur in 2017 or 2018 along with Berczy Park - a fair chunk of it paid for with s 37 from 88 Scott.)
This part does literally exactly that:

c) In the event the cash contributions referred to in Recommendation 5.a) has not been used for the intended purposes within three (3) years of the By-laws coming into full force and effect, the cash contribution may be redirected for another purpose, at the discretion of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division, in consultation with the Ward Councillor, provided that the purpose is identified in the Toronto Official Plan and will benefit the community in Ward 13; and
Yeah that's exactly what i'm afraid of, that it's embroiled in red tape for 5-10 years on some pet project the Councillor has in mind for her ward,
instead of spending it now on much needed housing etc.

LoL, that 'rainy day comment had nothing to do with anything that twisted,
but more about how city councillors can bank section 37/42 money for years and years to spend when they feel like it
LoL, that 'rainy day comment had nothing to do with anything that twisted. but more about how city councillors can bank section 37/42 money for years and years to spend when they feel like it
Usually NOT when they feel like it but when it's sensible. That's why in more recent s 37 agreements the purposes are a bit vaguer and more general and refer to things like "streetscape improvements in the vicinity of the property' . For example, in March 2012 Council approved a s 37 sum of almost $1.5 million for streetscape improvements on Wellington Street East. - connected to the 88 Scott Street development. The streetscape improvements could only sensibly be done after Toronto Water and Toronto Hydro did underground work on the street This was supposed to happen by early 2017 but is still going on and now Enbridge are coming to do work. The streetscape may be done in 2020 (though there are ominous rumours of a postponement to 2021.)
Not sure why he hates KWT so much. I work with her on one of the City of Toronto committees, and have other connections to her through LGBTQ and nonprofit issues, She is without a doubt one of the most hardworking, principled and conscientious councillors in City Hall.
Not sure why he hates KWT so much.
I'm also not sure, but I can guess. (Let's just say that it's a funny coincidence that her colleagues in wards 10 and 11 seem to avoid the stream of dismissive, belittling, and downright mean comments that get directed at her.)
Not sure why he hates KWT so much. I work with her on one of the City of Toronto committees, and have other connections to her through LGBTQ and nonprofit issues, She is without a doubt one of the most hardworking, principled and conscientious councillors in City Hall.
Ugh smear/hate?...i think that's a personal insult from salsa and should be taken 'with a grain of salt
, i dislike some of the personal agendas from the leftist Councillors but i sure don't hate them, and i do agree that a bunch of them are some of the most hardworking individuals in council
Ugh smear/hate?...i think that's a personal insult from salsa and should be taken 'with a grain of salt
, i dislike some of the personal agendas from the leftist Councillors but i sure don't hate them, and i do agree that a bunch of them are some of the most hardworking individuals in council
Yet I have not heard you go after another city Councillor by name. Perhpas im not following all your posts so if you have please provide the comment. Thanks.
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Not sure why he hates KWT so much. I work with her on one of the City of Toronto committees, and have other connections to her through LGBTQ and nonprofit issues, She is without a doubt one of the most hardworking, principled and conscientious councillors in City Hall.

Intelligent, articulate, hard working, compassionate - all the things that Doug Ford is not. Given their respective elected positions and personal attributes, how could he not hate her?
