I would think that an all glass school, like the one posted above, would be distracting to a student. Wouldn't they be constantly looking outside?

The best aspect of TDSB properties are the irregular shaped baseball diamonds and permanent dirt patches in the soccer field goali creases; which are present at every one of their schools.
If The Republic is all we have to look forward to here, we're in serious trouble.

It's also tremendously sad that the North American conception of a school seems fixed in sprawling, low-rise warehouses surrounded by grass fields and parking. If we valued land more than we do (among other variables), we might have a chance at looking forward to something like Christian Kerez's spectacular Leutschenbach School in Switzerland:
But why bother investing in kids? It's not like they'll know the difference...

That would be beyond expensive. I would rather spend that type of capital money on things that actually help the kids learn.

That said, you can build schools that are better from an urbanism standpoint without really needing any extra money, it would just require different site plans.

Besides, the TDSBs newer schools have been... non traditional.

I would think that an all glass school, like the one posted above, would be distracting to a student. Wouldn't they be constantly looking outside?
Better then having a school with no windows (such as the former West Toronto Collegiate high school).
If The Republic is all we have to look forward to here, we're in serious trouble.

It's also tremendously sad that the North American conception of a school seems fixed in sprawling, low-rise warehouses surrounded by grass fields and parking. If we valued land more than we do (among other variables), we might have a chance at looking forward to something like Christian Kerez's spectacular Leutschenbach School in Switzerland:


But why bother investing in kids? It's not like they'll know the difference...

This is Toronto you are talking about.
Wow, so it's official? Where did you see this? Has the land even been officially re-zoned yet?
If CPPIB is involved, I assume it will be rental/retail and not condominium?
Regardless of which players are ultimately involved; DiCiano and Grimes will use their crook methods to ensure that there will be some form of residential development on these lands, that much I can guarantee you.
Regardless of which players are ultimately involved; DiCiano and Grimes will use their crook methods to ensure that there will be some form of residential development on these lands, that much I can guarantee you.

The project principals are big name professional firms - they don't need to play games with dirty councillors.
