Morning rush hour, 7:55 AM, March 22, 2021, Lake Shore eastbound at Park Lawn, traffic waiting at a red light.


Yes, it will get worse as (I hope) COVID decreases and as Vita etc fill in. and I think there are a number of measures that will have to be carried through to deal with a project the size of the Christie Lands. But let’s be realistic about the state of affairs.

By the way, I had a series of morning appointments at Dundas and Bathurst recently. Because time was a factor, I did time the journeys ... 20-21 minutes.
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The Star article claims, “At those times, it’s common to see cars backed up for hours in both directions on the Lake Shore and Gardiner Expressway, as well as offshoots like Park Lawn Rd.” This is a very considerablle exaggeration. Of course there is some typical urban congestion at rush hour and transit service needs a considerable upgrade, as planned, to serve the area. But “backed up for hours”??? “Common?” Nahhh!

Aside from driving in the area when I need to, I can see the intersection of Park Lawn and Lake Shore out my window. I don’t recognize this description.
OMG! I have to wait a whole minute at the Park Lawn & Lake Shore intersection! What will I do, what will I do? Must move, must move, must move. Ah, the light changed, now FLOOR IT!
OMG! I have to wait a whole minute at the Park Lawn & Lake Shore intersection! What will I do, what will I do? Must move, must move, must move. Ah, the light changed, now FLOOR IT!
...that double bump you felt as you sped away was a pedestrian that didn't quite make it across when said lights changed. >.<
...well..I have crossed a few intersections where like that as a pedestrian. :(
Hell!! I been hit from behind twice by cars who were in a rush and not willing to wait tell I was on the sidewalk or a turning lane. This was before the laws were change. No one has a clue to the new law for allowing people to cross streets today from what I see from both sides. I obey it with cars hocking their horn at me that are behind me and don't give a rat ass for those dumb drivers.
A big omnibus report with a new Secondary Plan, Zoning, Urban Design and Streetscape Guidelines for this site is headed to the next Planning and Housing Ctte:

Community Benefits listed in said report:

View attachment 312777

Detailed Streetsape/Design Report:


Dagnabbit, I would have liked to have seen a few million in the budget for the completion of the Mimico bike trail too… Pedestrian and cycling connections need to be improved to this area from the northwest.

Dagnabbit, I would have liked to have seen a few million in the budget for the completion of the Mimico bike trail too… Pedestrian and cycling connections need to be improved to this area from the northwest.


Wasn't there already money from previous developments for that? Perhaps my memory is failing me on that...... (assuming you mean the section just north of Lake Shore)
Just saw the update today.
Up to 1500 units as affordable housing (20% of all units) ??

What are they thinking. I personally would not buy in a building with govt subsidized housing let alone freaking 20% of the units! This will hurt their sales for sure

1) What they are thinking is that there are 8,000 people in the City who are literally homeless; and tens of thousands more who are skipping meals to pay the rent. That more affordable housing is desperately needed.

2) The evidence shows from previous developments approved with affordable housing components that it has not materially impacted sales.

3) Affordable does not necessarily mean, and in fact often does not mean TCHC managed housing stock. It can be managed by any number of non-profits or co-ops (or TCHC) or, it can mean
provided by and managed by the developer/landlord as a cost of doing business.

Affordable, by the way, does not always mean subsidized. It can simply mean less than market, or non-profit.

4) Your aversion to people with less money than you and your indifference to their plight is far more of a problem than including affordable housing in the above proposal.
Just saw the update today.
Up to 1500 units as affordable housing (20% of all units) ??

What are they thinking. I personally would not buy in a building with govt subsidized housing let alone freaking 20% of the units! This will hurt their sales for sure
So don't buy there.

Some peeps act like it's the end of the world if you have mixed housing in a given neighbourhood. This city has to grow up and get real.
Just saw the update today.
Up to 1500 units as affordable housing (20% of all units) ??

What are they thinking. I personally would not buy in a building with govt subsidized housing let alone freaking 20% of the units! This will hurt their sales for sure
Guess you'll agree to extreme security at your condo building.

Visitors need to wait for occupant to come downstairs to escort visitor upstairs. Forbid using stairs for anything except emergencies; have to go down to lobby and go back up to a different floor. Etc.
