Nothing of substance. Aside from further delays in much needed infrastructure improvements.

The city managed to give that room an aneurysm. I'm still angry.
probably a lot more then "mr christie" paid for it! i agree with Filip's assessment. the only thing that stood out to me is that the city has kept the zoning for the land as industrial or business use. Mondelez will challenge the city and appeal to the OMB for a reversal. who knows where it will go but if the developer wins then it was mentioned it could be 20 plus residential buildings in that space.
City said at the meeting that its looking for ideas other then residential - health, school campus and probably whoever else would pay!
They also put to bed the rumours of another Go train stop for HBS. Lots of people showed up and the audio in the room sucked!
Re: another GO station in HBS… it's not quite that simple. While you are correct that there are no immediate plans for another station in HBS soon, Metrolinx's spokesman at the meeting, Daniel Haufschild, stated that Metrolinx is studying the future of GO as a possible Expressrail system (RER or S-Bahn type of system: currently GO is a Regional rail system). Expressrail may be possible post-electrification, and a few stations would be able to be added to the line without impacting travel times too significantly. It will be up to citizens to continue to apply pressure on Metrolinx/TTC/their City Councillor to add stations in key places. Depending upon just what the future of the Mondelez lands is to be (in other words if it ends up as a major trip generator of some kind), a station in HBS may become possible at that time.

Re: another GO station in HBS… it's not quite that simple. While you are correct that there are no immediate plans for another station in HBS soon, Metrolinx's spokesman at the meeting, Daniel Haufschild, stated that Metrolinx is studying the future of GO as a possible Expressrail system (RER or S-Bahn type of system: currently GO is a Regional rail system). Expressrail may be possible post-electrification, and a few stations would be able to be added to the line without impacting travel times too significantly. It will be up to citizens to continue to apply pressure on Metrolinx/TTC/their City Councillor to add stations in key places. Depending upon just what the future of the Mondelez lands is to be (in other words if it ends up as a major trip generator of some kind), a station in HBS may become possible at that time.


Interchange, you were there, the Metrolinx specialist was talking about a Sunnyside station instead of HBS. This is a transit planning failure pure and simple. Too bad there's no leadership on that front like there is in Scarborough.
Roncesvalles is another spot being considered for a future GO station, but both it and HBS stations are far enough off in the future, post-electrification, that they are nothing more than that at the moment: considerations. As Metrolinx advances their plans for the future, it will be up to residents to push for stations where they want them. No doubt when planning for station locations starts, people living along the lines will be consulted. There isn't a chance in hell of getting another station before electrification. Be ready to push for HBS when electrification comes.

"On November 1, 2012, Mondelēz Canada (Mondelēz) announced that it intended to close its "Lakeshore" bakery, known as the “Mr. Christie’s” site, located at 2150 Lake Shore Boulevard West and 23 Park Lawn Road, in the third quarter of 2013.

At its meeting of November 27-29, 2012, in considering the employment function and potential of the Mr. Christie’s site, City Council directed City staff to strike a working group with Labour, post-secondary institutions and other stakeholders to explore options on the Mr. Christie's site, to maintain existing employment by possibly hosting educational and/or commercial food incubator programs and possible new food industry tenants for the site, amongst other uses.

Between June and September 2013, three working group meetings were convened by City staff and co-chaired by the General Manager of Economic Development and Culture and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning. Through a consensus-based approach facilitated by City staff, the working group generated a Vision Statement and ten Guiding Principles intended to help inform the redevelopment potential of the site with a focus on employment opportunities and maintaining the lands for employment purposes. This report outlines the results of the working group process and suggested next steps."

Has there been any movement on this at all? The frustrating is, for the ward 6 election I have not heard any candidates give any specific on this property. This will transform the area one way or another, hopefully for the good.
Has there been any movement on this at all? The frustrating is, for the ward 6 election I have not heard any candidates give any specific on this property. This will transform the area one way or another, hopefully for the good.

It's a joke. They are looking at approving another 20 buildings and there has been nothing new with regards to transit at all.

I seriously hope that we don't re-elect Mark Grimes in this ward. What a useless councilor. Unless you are a developer.

Russ Ford, who is the leading candidate against Grimes, has commented on the Christies property and is committed to pushing for multi-use at the site. He has also said that he would push for funding the Waterfront West LRT.

I don't know many of the other candidates, but I believe that Tony Vela lives in HBS, and I imagine that he would be pro-multi-use / transit expansion in the area.
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The City's official stance is that it doesn't want 27 or 20 or whatever number of new buildings here: it wants manufacturing jobs to replace the ones that were here. Holding on to employment lands for employment is part of the official plan, and until a change is forced or negotiated, officialdom isn't going to talk about new transit down here.

That said, who of us sees a return to manufacturing here? I think their best bet to replace the lost jobs would be to allow an office and retail complex to be built up against the Gardiner where it could connect to a new GO Train station at either Park Lawn or the Humber Loop or halfway in between the two and accessed from both ends. Then allow the rest of the land to go mixed-use residential-commercial-parkland-school.

That said, who of us sees a return to manufacturing here? I think their best bet to replace the lost jobs would be to allow an office and retail complex to be built up against the Gardiner where it could connect to a new GO Train station at either Park Lawn or the Humber Loop or halfway in between the two and accessed from both ends. Then allow the rest of the land to go mixed-use residential-commercial-parkland-school.
Definitely don't see them hanging on to manufacturing in this area. I live in the Ward but not at HBS, so I don't know the specific needs of the residents, but I think your suggestion would be a good compromise. I've been thinking that a good idea might be a provision for rail station at Park Lawn with a protected streetcar ROW along Park Lawn from Lake Shore to the train tracks.
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allow an office and retail complex to be built up against the Gardiner where it could connect to a new GO Train station at either Park Lawn or the Humber Loop or halfway in between the two and accessed from both ends. Then allow the rest of the land to go mixed-use residential-commercial-parkland-school.


Yes, you would think that a developer that purchases this huge piece of land, would be willing to build that in return for more residential density
