I glanced.

It looked a bit....underwhelming but, given the fun factor of the rest of the building, I didn't pay it much attention. I'm not sure I could even describe it for you right now. Mind you, this was last Sunday and there was much too much going on for me to be eyeing a building for too long. I sat for a while in the alleyway diagonally across the street from it and looked up at it from there for the most part.
The lobby is absolutely ugly in this building. I hate the design... They did a much better job with Murano.
It's a pretty small space that lobby, I would have rather seen a coffee shop or something like that go in place of that useless sitting area and whatever lies behind.
I use this walkway every few days, it's a convenient shortcut from Dundonald Street through to Wellesley St. alongside the Wellesley subway and the 22 Wellesley condos. I've seen a few things laying in the walkway that have fallen from the balconies above in the past few years. Since the falling glass epidemic I've been just a little nervous lately walking along here - only because of the glass balconies, not because it's a Lanterra development. I always thought it should be covered and bricking up the bus area by the subway would also have been smart. It's a well traveled walkway and the fumes from idling buses can be a bit much sometimes.

I hate the balconies in that building, and the low 8' ceilings. The balconies ... because of the way they positioned the glass panels, it gives those balconies an enclosed look and feel, as opposed to being open.
Yet there are 4-5" gaps between the glass panel and the balcony pad allowing, say, a beer bottle to roll and fall through to the walk-way below. I'd avoid it but on my way home with the dog we most often cut through the parkettes between Charles & Dundonald Streets, then I buy my smokes at "The Mix" right next to 22 Wellesley. It's so much more convenient than cutting over to busy Yonge Street and back-tracking, so I always keep a "heads-up" when cutting through here.
Yet there are 4-5" gaps between the glass panel and the balcony pad allowing, say, a beer bottle to roll and fall through to the walk-way below. I'd avoid it but on my way home with the dog we most often cut through the parkettes between Charles & Dundonald Streets, then I buy my smokes at "The Mix" right next to 22 Wellesley. It's so much more convenient than cutting over to busy Yonge Street and back-tracking, so I always keep a "heads-up" when cutting through here.

I love "The Mix", cheap everything in there.
I love "The Mix", cheap everything in there.

I've had many crazy nights start with popping out of Wellesley station hitting the LCBO and then buying some mix at Mix.
I've had many crazy nights start with popping out of Wellesley station hitting the LCBO and then buying some mix at Mix.

I was actually glad to see the proposed development of that property get put on hold, even though I would actually like to see the plans for that property go ahead ... all because of the Mix, like, where would they relocate to !!
I asked the guy in there that very question some time ago and he doesn't know where he'd move to. He just got a six month extension on his lease late spring/early summer. I'd miss it too (cheapest smokes in town) plus I like to sit out front sometimes and chat with neighbourhood types that I've met there over the years but I'd much rather see it developed, along with 46/50 Wellesley just east of there.
I asked the guy in there that very question some time ago and he doesn't know where he'd move to. He just got a six month extension on his lease late spring/early summer. I'd miss it too (cheapest smokes in town) plus I like to sit out front sometimes and chat with neighbourhood types that I've met there over the years but I'd much rather see it developed, along with 46/50 Wellesley just east of there.

Yap, me, too ... I asked them like a few+ years ago or whatnot ... same response, they didn't know. But it's weird they just recently got an extension, 6 months ... seems like something is about to transpire with those 2 side by side lots. Each time I walk past the Mix and the empty lot beside it, I say to myself how the developers might have missed the boat on their projects, by the time they straighten out the legal issues and proceed, the market might not be as robust as when they first submitted their proposals.
The owners of that mess at 46/50 Wellesley applied about a year ago to have the property zoned for parking but it was declined. Doesn't sound very promising.
